豆类谷物是什么意思? « Live in China 混在中国




1。 [周] [麻,小米,小米,小麦,豆类(大豆)]

2。 [孟子] [大米,小米,小米,小麦,豆类]

3。 [管] [小米,秫,大豆,小麦,大米]

4。 [楚差] [大米,小米,小米,豆类,马]

水稻和小麦籽粒仍然是中国的主食。在中国,水稻(Oryza sativa)栽培起源于中国南部约有4700多年前的神农时代。小麦(大麦和小麦)的种植对已故史前或泛耿迁殷以前在北中国推出。

至于小米,小米和秫的粮食被视为“小米。” “小米”是北方重要的食品在南方,很少种植。 “小”,基本上包括两类植物:玉米种和小米的。






1,为“粮食”食品,中国的历史是不太一样。一种说法是指小米,小米,大豆,小麦,水稻,在古籍中,“周 级方”;另一种方式是指亚麻,小米,小米,小麦,豆类,在古籍中,“淮南(China Huainan)子。当时人们把xx子食品,因此,马由于食品类”;,主要是xx纤维布,他们没有考虑食品类别。
新华社西安(Xi an China)10月19日电(记者呼延认为是),人们在前汉吃”,粮食到底“这是什么?最近,南部在西安(Xi an China)郊区的陕西省(China s Shaanxi Province)出土一木简揭示了答案。
根据考古学家的工作人员这枚木墓出土的西汉汉宣帝Dulinglingqu单应都灵的Peizang亩,因此,当与汉墓皇帝宣接近高级官员。木制单与内容分析,也应是皇家陵墓家人在他去世的仪式活动和农业生产及相关活动,应当确定其办公室或大治大鸿禄农民。据了解,在汉,“粮”的真正含义是什么粮食,历史记录,一直含糊不清。这枚出土的木首次单确定在该地区西汉“粮食”类,陕西省(China s Shaanxi Province)的名称。

Grains of beans mean?

grains of beans mean?

said crop is wheat, millet, millet, beans, five kinds of hemp.
about a balanced diet, we can not fail to mention nutrition pyramid; nutritionist divided into four categories make up the food nutrition pyramid, these foods are fat and sugars, dairy products and meat, vegetables and fruit and cereal. The bottom of the pyramid nutrition, mainly grains and cereals, food, but what kind of agricultural products or food grains and cereals in the fall it?

ancient Chinese literature relating to the record a lot of grains, but also to distinguish grains are also quite different, for example

1. [Zhou] [hemp, millet, millet, wheat, beans (beans)]

2 . [Mencius] [rice, millet, millet, wheat, beans]

3. [the tube] [millet, Panicum italicum, beans, wheat, rice]

4. [Chu Ci] [rice, millet, millet, beans, Ma]

grains of rice and wheat is still the staple food in China. In China, rice (Oryza sativa) cultivation originated in southern China about 4700 years ago, the era of Shen Nong. Wheat (barley and wheat) cultivation, about the late prehistoric or at Pan Geng moved to Yin, previously introduced in North China.

As for the grains of millet, millet and Panicum italicum are considered as millet. Millet is an important food of the north, in the south very little cultivation. Small , consists basically of two types of plants: corn genus and millet are.

Millet is not Now that we eat the corn, but sub-meters, and yellow rice. Maize is imported from the West only in modern times crops.

beans or beans, while the grains referred to in all of the beans are not beans, but soybeans. In the Zhou Dynasty is called soy beans, beans can be called since the Qin and Han Dynasties.

grains of hemp refers to cannabis. Cannabis seeds are non-toxic, but it leaves toxic, it can act as food.

now we have often grown to the five kinds of cereal crops has not, and if our main cereals and their by-products is, I believe you will agree that this rice, millet and wheat, three of the. Others, such as barley, corn, etc., only when the food grains, feed view.

is not clear,
but is not
grains of wheat, barley, sorghum, maize, rice

1 What is the grain
1, which Food for grains , China s history is not quite the same. An argument refers to the millet, millet, beans, wheat, rice, found in ancient books, Zhou grade Fang ; another way refers to the linen, millet, millet, wheat, beans, found in ancient books, Huainanzi. At that time people put big pock as food, so Ma attributable to food category; was mainly hemp fiber cloth, they are not considered food category.
2, grain of the evolving practice that refers to rice, wheat, millet, millet, beans from five kinds of food crops. Millet refers to corn, also includes yellow rice, millet that millet, beans means the beans.
3, now, grains has generally refers to a variety of staple food, generally referred to as food crops, or known as whole grains , including cereals (such as rice, wheat, corn, etc.), legumes (such as soy, beans, peas, red beans, etc.), potato (such as sweet potato, potato), and other grains.
2 Grains What is this?
there are usually two: one is rice, millet, millet, wheat, beans. Another said that millet, millet, hemp, wheat, beans. Ma which are outside the five kinds of food crops. Rice, millet, millet, wheat, beans, hemp is China s traditional crops, I should not only recognize them, but also to understand their habits and the origin, otherwise grains regardless of the.
3 Han grain mean? Wooden slips unearthed in Xian Jie Xian answer
Xinhua October 19 (Xinhua Huyan think is) that people eat during the Western Han Dynasty, grain in the end What is this? Recently, the southern suburbs of Xi an in Shaanxi Province unearthed a wooden slips reveal the answer.
这枚in mind the 177-word length 23 cm rectangular wooden slips, width 4.5 cm, 0.4 cm thick, the next side edge of a slight deterioration, writing the main body of the ancient scribe ink to write the book, which is interspersed with some Suzi cursive style, most clearly discernible. Wooden slips on这枚writing from right to left is divided into eight rows, each row at the top are marked with a black dots to indicate the beginning of chapters, each line of words from the word
ranging from 15 to 25 above the Han Dynasty grains grown in the basic integrity of the contents, clearly documented at the time of the grain is millet, beans, hemp, wheat, rice, the order is not easily arranged. This is dedicated to the Qin and Han times, when the optional day of the election day book in the content recorded in basically the same.
According to the staff of archaeologists unearthed tombs这枚wooden slips in the Western Han Dynasty Emperor Xuan of Han Dulinglingqu should be Duling s Peizang Mu, so when with Emperor Xuan of Han tomb is closer to senior officials. Wooden slips with content analysis, as should be the tomb of the royal family before his death ritual activities and agricultural production and related activities, it should be to determine their offices or Daiji Da Honglu farmers. It is understood that the Han Dynasty, grain really means what grain, historical records has always been ambiguous.这枚unearthed wooden slips for the first time defined the Western Han Dynasty in Shaanxi Province in the region grains category and name.04-12-15

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