

★   凉拌:普通食用油不加热不可以直接凉拌,用山茶油可以直接凉拌各种荤素菜并且色泽鲜亮,口感爽滑,不油腻。

★   热炒:用山茶油热炒食品不会发黑,清爽可口不油腻,因其烟点高达210℃左右,符合营养专家提出“热锅凉油”的烹调方式,可以保证菜品色、香、味俱佳和营养全面不流失。

★   煎炸:普通食用油在高温下会产生过氧化物,对人体极为有害。而山茶油含有抗氧化物(维E)可以在220度的高温下连续油炸20小时不变质,不产生反式脂肪酸,品质不改变,是理想的煎炸食用油。


★   汤菜:煮汤时或煮汤后加一勺山茶油,使汤更清香而不油腻。

★   清蒸:在蒸前或清蒸后加一勺山茶油,如蒸鱼或蒸蛋更清香味美。



★   茶油拌面空腹吃,可以整治胃肠腹泻,绞肠痧,同时也是妇女产后的{zj0}补品。

★   茶油炒腰花可滋阴xx,益筋骨,补肝肾,xxx,治尿频。

★   茶油加姜丝炒鸡肉可清目,润肺,消红退肿。

★   茶油煎荷包蛋每日食用一个,可保护喉咙,预防中风和高血压。









★   茶油有清热化湿,杀虫xx的作用。

★   经常服用,能抑制衰老,对慢性咽炎,高血压,动脉硬化,心血管系统疾病有很好的疗效

★   长期服用,能清胃润肠,可治痧气xx,急性蛔虫阴塞性肠梗阻,习惯性xx。

★   民间常用山茶油xxxx,xx,疥疮,皮炎,湿疹,能防止皮肤皲裂和蚊虫叮咬等功效。


Camellia oil cooking characteristics:
★ cold: Common edible oil can not be directly cold without heating, using a variety of camellia oil can be directly mix into cold meat and vegetables dishes, and bright color, texture Smoothness, non-greasy.
★ stir: stir-fried food will not be black with camellia oil, fresh and delicious non-greasy, because of their high smoke point of about 210 ℃,it is in line with nutritional experts "wok cool oil" cooking method ,it can also  guarantee that dishes color, aroma, superb flavor and nutrition, they are overall non-loss.
★ frying: ordinary cooking oil at high temperatures will produce peroxides, is extremely harmful to the human body. The camellia oil contains antioxidants (Victoria E) ,it deeply-fried at high temperatures in the 220-degree continuous 20-hour has non-degenerate, and does not produce trans fatty acids, the quality does not change, it  is the ideal frying oil.
★ soup: you added a spoonful of camellia oil to make soup even more fragrance and not greasy when or after you cooking ..
★ steamed: adding a  spoonful of camellia oil before or after being steamed , such as steamed fish, or Egg is more fragrant and delicious.
Camellia oil using small recipe:
Eat small recipe:
★ eating camellia oil with noodles with empty stomach. You can certificated gastrointestinal diarrhea, fever twisted bowel, but also post-partum women, the best tonic.
★ Tea frying waist can be good for  blood, bones ,liver and kidney, blood pressure, cure urinary frequency.
★ fried chicken can be shredded ginger tea oil make eyes bright , lungs comfort, eliminate redness..
★  a fried poached eggs each day , can protect the throat, preventing stroke and hypertension.
Health small recipe:
★ Weight Loss: camellia oil's monounsaturated fatty acid with the body's decomposition of alcohol has been broken down into carbonic acid gas  and transfer into energy block in visceral and subcutaneous fat, generated a fundamental role in opening a weight loss. Once ordinary oil entering into the human body, it will gather in the undigested parts of the body into fat, it causing obesity and inducing other diseases.
★ constipation: camellia oil 10-15 ml plus a spoonful of honey, each time with an empty stomach in the evening and morning ,once a day ,3-5 days will feel better..
★ anti-aging  to protect the skin: the permeability of camellia oil is good, being rich in antioxidant-rich vitamin E,  it can prevent aging, longevity and to have a shiny skin.
★Having a  good preventive effect about hypertension diabetes and other cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. People can reduce the body's glucose content of 12% after tea oil healthy eating. so camellia oil has become the prevention and control of diabetes, the best cooking oil  preventing and controlling of diabetes.
★ Hair Care: you add a few drops of tea oil  when you washing hair in warm water can prevent skin itching and chronic eczema.
Medicinal Small recipe:
"Chinese Pharmacopoeia" (1995) will be contained in tea oil as medicinal oil revenue, because of its rich variety of nutrients, taken orally, for external using have very good results.
★ tea oil has heat-clearing and dampness, insecticide detoxification role.
★ frequenrtly taking  can inhibit aging, chronic pharyngitis, and hypertension, arteriosclerosis, cardiovascular disease, they are all having a  good effect




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