Design of the High Efficiency Charge and Trigger Circuit for
Digital Still Camera
Abstract: As represented by digital still cameras, digital video
cameras and scanners, digital image products show the pace of the
digital image age. And as a widely used tool, the flash light plays
an important role in photography for its compensation on
brightness. From the basic tenets of the digital camera, this
dissertation completed the design of the high efficiency charge and
trigger circuit on the basis of principles in the flash light for
digital camera (including charging circuit, discharge circuit and
the circuit excited principle). Determined the electrical
parameters of the charge IC, booster transformers, rectifiers,
capacitance, trigger coil, excitation capacitor and IGBT, I
completed the final printed circuit boards. By testing, the
functions of charging and light emitting are both realized, and the
circuits get a certain power saving. So this dissertation realized
a kind of high efficiency charge and trigger circuit which can be
widely meet the varied requirements of photography by hardware.
Keywords:Flash, Trigger, Digital Still Camera
第1章 绪论
1.1 概述
1.2 闪光灯的作用
1.3 国内外研究现状
1.4 本次设计的目的和意义
第2章 数码相机基本原理
2.1.1 数码相机的定义
2.1.2 数码相机特性
2.1.3 数码相机的基本结构
2.1.4 数码相机的工作原理
2.1.5 数码相机的分类
2.1.6 数码相机的聚焦
2.1.7 数码相机成像原理及专业数码相机的要求
2.2 闪光灯设计要求
第3章 数码相机闪光灯原理
3.1 闪光灯的分类
3.2 闪光灯的结构
3.3 闪光灯发光的条件及优缺点
3.4.1 电源
3.4.2 光质
3.4.3 闪光速度
3.4.4 回电时间
3.4.5 闪光灯的曝光
3.4.6 闪光指数
3.4.7 同步
3.6 闪光灯的充电与激发过程
3.6.1 充电回路
3.6.2 激发回路
第4章 数码相机闪光灯硬件电路设计
4.1 照相机闪光灯的简单电路
4.2 实际电路设计
4.2.1 充电IC介绍
4.2.2 IGBT的介绍
4.2.2 充电激发充要条件
4.2.3 激发部分设计要点
4.3 LAYOUT的布局
4.4 系统调试
4.4.1 主控制器介绍
4.4.2 测试电路连接
4.4.3 测试条件
4.4.4 调试步骤
第5章 闪光灯系统分析与改善
5.1 DS-8650 IGBT偶发损坏分析以及对策
5.2 PDC-6370 激发爆炸声分析对策
5.3 DC-6370 FALSH TRACKING不稳定分析以及对策
附录1 PDC-6370闪光激发电路
附录2 充电IC LD7268A管脚属性
附录3 闪光灯及测试电路硬件实物图
附录4 测试点理论电压值与实际值对照表
附录5 闪光控制的51单片机的汇编源程序