To eat more chocolate on the body right? How much chocolate a day ...

Category:catering food

chocolate can beauty do?
how much is appropriate to eat it?
I would like to gain weight!!

chocolate contains fats, right amount of intake is beneficial to the skin, the skin can increase the degree of gloss and smoothness. but no doubt that excessive consumption of chocolate is also harmful. It is because most chocolate is now available in the market to add a number of other ingredients such as spices, butter, sugar and so on. excessive consumption of chocolate can cause such accumulation of fat, cholesterol and blood sugar will rise.
eating too much chocolate can really help to increase the weight, but from the perspective of the health benefit is extremely unfavorable.
From a health point of view the proposed amount of intake per day 1 (50 grams) is enough already.
I wish health and happiness! :-)

new chocolate candy has its own unique flavor. Such as hard candy in the UHA Yau Hart concentrated milk, sugar, milk flavor Espresso, sweet and delicious, is of similar products in the crowd. Sugar, chocolate cream sandwich in the Alps, sugar, sugar, body integrity, particle uniformity, non-stick teeth, thin chewing, mouthful of chocolate flavor. Shenfeng Food Co., Ltd. in Shanghai production of dark chocolate, importers will turn back, there is a general feeling of silk, and foreign brands of chocolate than the higher price. Guan Sheng Yuan’s rabbits lollipop is a gel candy upgrade products, elegant fragrance of fruit flavor, may be chewing can contain, it is suitable for children’s consumption. New this year, a lot of chocolate candy are fastidious about the role of health care. If Mentos Ice Blue (lime mint) and the pharynx WoWo Shuang Bao, with throat and clean the role of mouth, the former chewing, mint Sauvignon; the latter contains 12 kinds of heat-clearing and detoxifying herbs and vitamin C. Lotte Xylitol (blueberry mint) chewing gum, xylitol content accounted for more than 50% of sweeteners, often chewing a can protect the teeth. In addition, the Ya-off sandwich V9 vitamin-rich body needs sugar, 9 kinds of vitamins, while the wave-round edge of peanut nougat contains proteins and arachidonic acid and other nutrients.

, of course, chocolate confectionery market this year, revealed a number of issues deserve attention: First, deformation of the individual candy more serious reason is that sugar, body water content is higher; two sugar tablets mutilated; Third, some in the packaging bags (box) is not specified on the product attributes.

eat chocolate, the prevention of cardiovascular disease
health benefits of antioxidants is an organic component. Netherlands, a new study found that chocolate contains antioxidant is about a kind of black tea 4 times; in which the highest content of dark chocolate per 100 grams of chocolate contains 53.5 mg; and milk chocolate in 100 grams contains 15.9 milligrams; black tea in 100 ml containing 13.9 mg. The Netherlands for the daily intake of antioxidants, the tea is the most important source, accounting for about 55%, but the chocolate is also an important source, accounting for about 20% of the total intake. Therefore, the researchers conclude that “tea accompanied by a chocolate biscuit old Dutch habits, not just a kind of enjoyment, but also very healthy.”


类别: 餐饮食品






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