
重庆晨报报道,2001年从松藻矿务局下岗后,已年届中年的韩正全陷入了如何再就业的困惑中。在几次应聘未果后,他无奈开了个门市销售浮球阀。他不久就发现一个问题:目前全国数千个品牌的浮球阀产品,其技术和外观几乎xx相同——大家都是延用的百年前的技术。 据介绍,浮球阀目前是马桶、储水池、中央空调冷却装置等产品的主要配件。但其缺点是使用寿命不长。由于浮球阀的杠杆使用久了后,就会失灵,导致浮球堵不住出水口而漏水。 为什么有如此明显缺陷,却长时间没有人进行革新呢?他发现,浮球阀目前多数是由一些管件、阀门厂作为附带产品进行生产。由于其利润薄,大型厂商和投资者也很少看好,导致浮球阀行业长期处于一个低水平运作之中。如果进行产业化开发,将会有广阔的市场前景。 为抢先占领这块还没有被人重视的产业市场,韩正全很快开始了对新型浮球阀的技术研发,并在去年上半年获得了国家专利。 该产品是在传统浮球阀基础上,增设一个内部水压自锁密封构件,在利用外界水的浮压力和浮球阀杠杆原理的同时,依靠其内部产生新的压力,来控制水(液体)阀的开与关。由于工作原理发生了变化,同一型号的浮球阀就可以满足不同水阀的需求(传统浮球阀是依靠浮球来堵住阀口实现关水,因此浮球必须要与阀口一样大)。而浮球由于承受的压力减小,一些金属浮球材料就可用工程塑料代替。 经专业部门检验,该专利不但使用寿命长,而且其平均成本可以降低近70%。 为实现自己的创业梦想,韩正全用了半年时间筹集到80万元资金,并在去年5月建起了一家小厂。在半年多的市场尝试中,他的产品已成功打入了多个省市。

“ new type of floating valve to the toilet no longer leaks”是由提供的国际阀门新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国球阀网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。


Chongqing Morning Post reported that in 2001, after being laid off from Songzao Mining, middle-aged Han Zheng has been caught in the whole of how to re-employment puzzle. In a number of unsuccessful candidates, he reluctantly opened a store selling floating ball valve. He soon discovered a problem: Among the thousands of brands of floating ball valve products, its technology and appearance almost exactly the same - we are all a hundred years ago continue to use the technology. According to reports, is now the toilet float valve, reservoirs, central air-conditioning cooling device key accessories and other products. But its drawback is that life is not long. As the float valve lever to use for a long time after, it will fail, leading to the outlet float nor can it block the leakage. Why are there so obvious defects, but no innovations in a long time then? He found that at present the majority of floating ball valve by a number of pipe fittings, valves, plant as a spin-off products for production. Because of its profit margins, large companies and investors are rarely good, leading to long-standing float valve at a low level functioning. If you make industrial development, will have broad market prospects. For the first to occupy this piece has not yet been valued estate market, and Han all soon embarked on a new type of floating valve of the technological research and development, and in the first half of last year, won the national patent. The product is based on the traditional float valve, the addition of an internal pressure of self-locking sealed components floating in the use of outside water pressure and the float valve leverage the same time, rely on their internally generated new pressure to control the water (liquid ) valve open and shut. As a result of a change in principle, the same type of float valve to meet the needs of different valves (traditional floating-ball valve is to rely on float to shut off the water valve port to achieve, it must float with the valve port as big as) . The float because of the pressure decreases, a number of metal float materials, engineering plastics can be used instead. The professional department inspection, the patent is not only long life, and its average cost can be reduced nearly 70%. To realize their entrepreneurial dreams, Han spent the whole half a year to raise to 80 million yuan, and in May last year, has built a small factory. In the market for more than six months trying to, his products have been successfully broke into a number of provinces and cities.

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