

2010-02-24 13:35:48 阅读3 评论0 字号:

1.根据实际使用工况确定蒸汽疏水阀的入口与出口的压差。蒸汽疏水阀的入口压力是指由于蒸汽压力的波动或温度调剂阀的节流,蒸汽疏水阀入口处的{zd1}工作压力;蒸汽疏水阀的出口压力是指蒸汽疏水阀后可能形成的{zg}工作背压,当排入大气时,实际压差按蒸汽疏水阀入口压力决定。   2.根据蒸汽供热设备在正常工作时产生的凝结水量,乘以选用修正系数k,然后按照蒸汽疏水阀的排水量进行选择。   3.凝结水量可以用以下方法计算:   (1)管线运行时产生的凝结水量Q=q0L(1-Z/%)(kg/h),此公式中:   Q:凝结水量(kg/h)   q0:光管产生的凝结水量减压阀(kg/h)   L:疏水点之间的距离(m)   Z:保温效率(%)   (2)蒸汽加热设备运行时产生的凝结水量Q=VrC△T/Ht,此公式中:   Q:凝结水量(kg/h)   V:被加热物体的体积(m3)   r:被加热物体的密度电磁阀(kg/m3)   C:液体的比热(kcal/kg.OC)   △T:液体温升(OC)   H:蒸汽潜热(kcal/kg)   t:加热时间   各种类型的蒸汽疏水阀结构及原理有所不同,性能液不尽相同,在选用时可根据不同的使用场合,选择不同的蒸汽疏水阀。

“ Application Design and Selection of steam trap ”是由提供的国际阀门新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国疏水阀网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。

1. Based on actual use conditions to determine the import and export steam trap differential pressure. The inlet pressure steam trap is due to fluctuations in vapor pressure or temperature regulating throttle valve, steam trap at the entrance to the minimum working pressure; Steam Traps Steam Traps outlet pressure is likely to form after the maximum operating back pressure When discharged into the atmosphere, the actual pressure steam trap inlet pressure according to the decision. 2. According to the steam heating equipment in normal working hours resulting from condensation of water, multiplied by the selected correction factor k, and then follow the displacement of the steam trap selection. 3. Condensation of water can be calculated using the following methods: (1) pipeline running generated when the condensation of water Q = q0L (1-Z /%) (kg / h), this formula: Q: Condensation of water (kg / h) q0: fluorescent tubes generated by condensation of water pressure reducing valve (kg / h) L: the distance between the hydrophobic point (m) Z: thermal efficiency (%) (2) steam heating equipment run-time generated by condensation of water Q = VrC △ T / Ht, in this formula: Q: Condensation of water (kg / h) V: volume of heated objects (m3) r: the density of an object is heated solenoid valve (kg/m3) C: liquid specific heat (kcal / kg.OC) △ T: liquid temperature (OC) H: steam latent heat (kcal / kg) t: heating time Various types of steam trap structure and principle of different fluid properties vary, the choice of when to use according to different occasions, choose a different steam traps.

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