“Baking soda” in cooking, frying process is mainly to play what ...

Category:catering food

“baking soda” in cooking, frying process is mainly to play what role?

baking soda, but also called sodium bicarbonate, is a weak acid alkaline substances, is also a kitchen. In people’s daily lives, but also has its Magical.

1 € fried onions, a long time, and will lose flavor, while stir-time is short, too fast, but also that it does not soft. If you look at the first fishing with a little baking soda, regardless of wonderful, boiled, fried or even be able to make it soft, and the food is easily digested.

2 € profile control fish do not care if the fish gall bladder was torn, as long as the bile contaminated areas coated with a little baking soda, and then repeatedly washing with water, you can put fish on the bitterness rushed.

3 € fried noodles dragging fish, shrimp, or ribs, when, in the flour paste and a little bit of baking soda inside to eat up another loose again brittle. Because, after heat decomposition of baking soda will produce large amounts of carbon dioxide gas, so that has left many holes deep-fried batter.

4 € fried beef wire, they can put fresh beef cut into filaments, the baking soda solution on the thin mix about, fried beef out of loose fibers, and taste tender and fragrant.

5 € of fresh fruit and easily rotten degenerate, it is mold, lactic acid bacteria and many other corruption at play. Because of their fear of living in the alkaline environment, so as long as there is no broken rotten fresh fruit into the baking soda 1 ‰ concentration in aqueous solution soak 2 minutes, then remove and dry, put into sealed plastic bag consumption, can be stored longer. Similarly, to save the eggs or duck eggs, but also can use this method.

6 € thermos flask with a long time, bottles of gall bladder wall is deposited inside a layer of scale effect, the attempt to remove it, you can put some baking soda inside thermos flask and broken eggshells, and then poured them into a number of salt water, and then gently to keep rocking, too long, scale will be slowly falling down from the bottle of gall bladder wall.

7 € enamel ware on the yellow of the scarred, and sometimes difficult to wipe with cleanser. If stained with a little baking soda with a damp cloth, then wipe the boxes that, enamel ware will be scrubbed clean, and bright as new.

8 € Household careless soiled oil stains on the carpet can be greasy at first wet-look, came alive again in a handful of baking soda on it, set the night the next day in order to vacuum suction to the baking soda, oil stains can be removed.

9 € use doctrinal solution of baking soda to wash glassware, silverware, and stainless steel appliances and so on, will be superior than any other detergent.

10 € in the washing of greasy utensils, it will be they are immersed in a dilute solution of sodium bicarbonate for 30 minutes and then wash, the effect very good.

11 € at home smell inside the plastic container, you can use 1 teaspoon of baking soda dissolved in 1000 ml of clean water into plastic containers immersed in, and then soft brush swab again, that is, except the smell.

12 € bees sting people and particularly pain, if the case is bite, and can be used baking soda and cold water mix to paste, deposited at the site of pain, pain immediately.

13 € home gardening persons, flowers Hanbaoyufang occasion, if the ten-thousandth of the concentration of sodium bicarbonate solution used to water the flowers, make flower in full bloom, gorgeous eye-catching, get the United States pleasure.


类别: 餐饮食品
















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