I have lost the key - 二手汽车买卖- 分类信息- 运城分类信息网——[ad ...
I have lost the key
Before dying, the elderly have been unable to speak, but there is always a hand grip the wearer, who do not know what is holding out for the elderly. When the last breath exhaled the elderly, the elderly body also seems to tone as it disperses over, always clutching the hand of the stretch is also to spread on the bed, surrounded by children around to see the elderly, and elderly people holding out the is a small key. This is a key to do what? In the finished dishes later, after the elderly, children who tries to use that key all the locks of the house, nor where to find the lock belongs to that key.
This is the key locked in where? key lock is locked to? Conjecture, and only guess the.
Recently moved, I found the boxes in the garage of the two string key, there are dozens of large and small, put, I know that each will have the key I have used a lock, but gone are the lock it? In addition, there are still a few boxes to lock, I tried to use this dozens of large and small keys to open them, but no one keys are belong to them, and that these are now the key lock on the wrong?
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