去年全国甲乙类传染病死亡数艾滋病居首- 刘君- 职业日志- 价值中国网 ...


    据中国医药报北京讯  近日,卫生部公布2009年度法定传染病疫情公告,2009年,全国共报告法定传染病发病5898415例,死亡15267人。 
Last year, the number of deaths and B class infectious diseases, AIDS, Ju Shou

February 26, 2010
According to Chinese Medicine Beijing News recently reported that the Ministry of Health released 2009 annual statutory infectious diseases bulletin, 2009, the country reported a total of 5,898,415 cases of legal infectious diseases, 15267 people died.
In 2009, the national incidence of infectious diseases were reported in 97 cases of Group A, three people died. B In addition to infectious diseases, SARS, polio and diphtheria, no morbidity, mortality reports, the other reported a total of 3,499,485 cases of disease and death 14848 people. In addition to Influenza A H1N1 influenza, the A and B class infectious diseases, reported incidence rates in 2008 decreased 5.10% compared with the mortality rate increased 13.61%. Number of reported incidence among the top five of the diseases followed by viral hepatitis, tuberculosis, syphilis, bacterial and amoebic dysentery, and influenza H1N1 influenza. Reported deaths among the top five of the diseases followed by AIDS, tuberculosis, rabies, viral hepatitis and influenza H1N1 influenza.
Class C infectious diseases, in addition to no incidence of filariasis, no deaths were reported, the other reported a total of 2,398,833 cases of disease and death 416. Number of reported incidence of disease among the top five kinds of order of hand, foot and mouth disease, other infectious diarrheal diseases, mumps and influenza and rubella. Reported deaths among the top three kinds of disease followed by hand, foot and mouth disease, other infectious diarrheal diseases and influenza.
In 2008 compared to 2009 A and B class infectious diseases of the blood and sexually transmitted diseases increase in incidence of reported 3.92%; respiratory diseases, intestinal infectious diseases, natural foci, and insect-borne infectious diseases, reported incidence rates declined. Blood and sexually transmitted diseases, in addition to a slight downward trend in incidence of gonorrhea, AIDS, hepatitis C and syphilis incidence increased by varying degrees; respiratory infectious diseases, measles incidence rate reached 60.29 percent decrease; plague of bird flu , dengue fever, Japanese encephalitis and brucellosis have a different rate of increase.
Source: China Pharmaceutical News
Zebian: river 



[ 作者:佚名    转贴自:本站原创    点击数:196    更新时间:2010-2-26    文章录入:nnb ]


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