What to eat food kidney is good? « Industry info 工业信息

Category:catering food

such as title

kidney Ten Natural Foods (utility type) Bangzhong Bang

1 medlar
2 seafood, abalone, octopus, sea cucumbers, oysters, oysters
3 seaweed, fish, shrimp
4 leeks, green onions, garlic
5 walnuts, Hu peach kernel, pine nuts, chestnuts, sunflower seeds, peanuts _ xxx_1_br>6 honey, lotus seeds, lotus required, the leaves
7 swine kidney, liver, pig stomach, pig marrow
8 quail, pigeon, chicken, eggs, mutton, dog
9 black sesame seeds, black beans , litchi
10 malt oil

Ten injured kidney / renal adverse food Bang Zhongbang

1 crude cottonseed oil (rural land without adequate steam frying oil pressing Square while pressing the system of seed oil, black taste of the bitter)
2 tobacco, alcohol, drink tea
3 celery, water chestnut-lan (Chinese kale)
4 melon
5 lotus heart, almond
6 shoots
7 sheep brain, pig brain, rabbit meat
8 black fungus
9 caltrop
10 hemp seed (Moraceae plant marijuana dry ripe fruit)

ten natural kidney herbs ginseng Bang Zhongbang

2 Lubian, deer antler, deer blood
3 yams, chrysalis, Gecko
4 Gastrodia elata, fleece-flower root
5 Ganoderma lucidum, Cordyceps sinensis
6 fur seal kidney
7 Angelica, Rehmannia, Astragalus
8 Eucommia, cinnamon
9 hippocampus, Gorgon
10 Cordyceps, Cynomorium, actinolite

Ten kidney medicine (Chinese medicine) Bangzhong Bang (M)

1 Liu Wei Di Huang Wan
2 Bushenyishou capsules (San Miguel male capsules)
3 Huiren Kidney Kidney mixture
4 Royal rossica
5 Yishen Pill
6 Huo Xiang Zheng Qi Soft Capsule
7 ants Unicorn Kidney Pills
8 Titan kidney products
9 Bushenqiangshen film
10 36 mei Yishen rejuvenation pills

Ten kidney medicine (Chinese medicine) Bangzhong Bang (female)

1 black-bone chicken Bak Foong Pills
2 Xiaoyao pill (Pills)
3 Dong-E E-Jiao Chang Jia Li
4 pills

Ten kidney Liquor Bang Zhongbang

1 Chinese Jin wine well-known trademarks in China Jin Brand Co., Ltd.
2 Coconut, Hainan Island deer, tortoise wine wine Coconut, Hainan Island, Inc.
3 Trimeresurus wine country wine fen group
4 Po 3 Changyu wine whip the National Food Industry Science and Technology Progress Award, Shandong Yantai Changyu Pioneer Group
5 Lubian wine famous product of China, Shanxi China Agricultural Fair Velvet Health Products Co., Ltd.
6 Onlly of self-cultivation liquor brands Shanghai Jiao Tong University Onlly
7 dragon and tiger wine in China Well-known Trademark Wuliangye Group
8 Turtle Kazakhstan Kuwana Snake wine liquor Guangxi Liuzhou, Guangxi, the ancient Chinese caterpillar fungus, snow lotus Ridge Winery
9 Bujiu international food fair gold medal in Urumqi Cogent Health Products Co., Ltd.
10 wine brands in hippocampus hippocampus 100 million brewery

Florida Group Ten kidney

lifestyle Bangzhong Bang

1 eating degrees, living with restraint, and I feel comfortable
2 moderate exercise (Fitness / hiking / swimming / jogging / walking / volleyball, etc.)
3 sexual fantasies (love / Acacia / A film / beautiful / handsome guy)
4 treasure of sperm (body injury Frequent ejaculation harm the kidneys, not reluctantly, not indulge)
5 soles of the feet massage, aerobics Regular
6 Qiangshen the regular activities of the waist , massage waist
7 levator ani Sports: anal contraction several times a day
8 parts of the testes and penis, alternating hot and cold water bath, and related parts gently massage to promote blood circulation
9 scrotum, inguinal canal and the surrounding area due Massage
10 adequate sleep and rest

I do not know your age to give you the following recommended if you are a parent advisory old couple is very lucky
often the practice of the past through the kidney eat pig kidney and so on to reach, and now due to internal organs class and seafood food more than worry about a high cholesterol level. Chinese medicine say that, probably rich in vitamin E, another cholesterol-free foods are good kidney materials, including stone fruit and black sesame seeds are, walnut nut is one worth recommending.

kidney consumption of other foods for the elderly are yams, lily, Chinese wolfberry, black beans, lotus seeds and so on, are not a strong Chinese Medicine Smell for into the dish. Chinese yam can be soup, you can also join together with boiled rice, with anti-aging and the hypoglycemic effect. Common phlegm trouble, could eat stir-fry or stew rock candy lily to maintenance. Wolfberry is also the effectiveness of kidney yang, but suffering from high blood pressure or diabetes are advised not to. Black bean stew with cooked food or suitable, although the bubbles Liquor is also good, but elderly people should avoid drinking. In addition, the white fungus, pollen, longan, royal jelly, wheat germ, garlic, onion, mushrooms, also have a role in kidney.


类别: 餐饮食品



1 枸杞子
2 海产品,鲍鱼,章鱼,海参,牡蛎,生蚝
3 海藻,鱼类,虾
4 韭菜,大葱,蒜
5 核桃,胡桃仁,松子,栗,葵花子,花生
6 蜂蜜,莲子,莲须,荷叶
7 猪肾,猪肝,猪肚,猪髓
8 鹌鹑,鸽肉,鸡肉,鸡蛋,羊肉,狗肉
9 黑芝麻,黑豆,荔枝
10 麦芽油


1 粗棉籽油(农村土榨油坊未经充分蒸炒而榨制的籽油,黑色尝之发苦)
2 烟,酒,酒后饮茶
3 芹菜,荠兰(芥蓝)
4 冬瓜
5 莲子心,杏仁
6 竹笋
7 羊脑,猪脑,免肉
8 黑木耳
9 菱角
10 火麻仁(桑科植物xx的干燥成熟果实)


1 人参
2 鹿鞭,鹿茸,鹿血
3 山药,蚕蛹,蛤蚧
4 天麻,何首乌
5 灵芝,冬虫夏草
6 海狗肾
7 当归,熟地,黄芪
8 杜仲、肉桂
9 海马,芡实
10 虫草,锁阳,阳起石


1 六味地黄丸
2 xx益寿胶囊(生力雄胶囊)
3 汇仁肾宝肾宝合剂
4 御苁蓉
5 益肾丸
6 藿香正气软胶囊
7 蚁利康xx丸
8 太阳神xx产品
9 xx强身片
10 三十六味益肾回春丸


1 乌鸡白凤丸
2 逍遥丸(浓缩丸)
3 东阿阿胶
4 嫦娥加丽丸


1 中国劲酒 xxxx商标 劲牌有限公司
2 椰岛鹿龟酒 海南名酒 海南椰岛股份有限公司
3 竹叶青酒 国家名酒 汾酒集团
4 张裕至宝三鞭酒 全国食品工业科技进步奖 山东烟台张裕集团
5 鹿鞭酒 中国农博会名优产品 山西华茸保健品有限责任公司
6 昂立养身酒 xx品牌 上海交大昂立
7 龙虎酒 xxxx商标 五粮液集团
8 龟蛇哈蚧酒 广西名酒 广西柳州市古岭酒厂
9 雪莲虫草补酒 国际食品博览会金奖 乌鲁木齐康源保健品有限公司
10 海马酒 xx品牌 亿达州集团海马酒厂


1 饮食有度,起居有节,心情舒畅
2 适度运动(健身/爬山/游泳/慢跑/散步/排球等)
3 性幻想(爱慕/相思/A片/美女/帅哥)
4 爱惜精子(频繁排精伤害身伤肾,不勉强,不放纵)
5 脚心xx,强肾健身操常做
6 经常活动腰部,xx腰部
7 提肛运动:每天收缩肛门数次
8 睾丸和阴茎部位冷热水交替浴,及相关部位轻轻xx以促进血液循环
9 阴囊,腹股沟管部位及周围适当xx
10 充足的睡眠和休息



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