招聘职位64:电力工程师-世界xx水泵公司- Windows Live


Tittle?: Electrical Engineer

Sex: Male or Female

(full time work)

Location: Qinhuangdao

Department?: R&D

Main tasks?:

·???????? Product development

????????????????? ????Make new product development plan with the support from the E&M Germany

????????????????????? Designing new motors within the time schedule requested by the customer

????????????????????? BOM creation and technical data management

????????????????????? Investment plan based on product development

·???????? Discuss with internal customers of wilo group( E&M, Wilo China, European PBUs, Wilo Pumps Korea) for technical point and process.

·???????? Support to other departments for technical problem

???? (Quality, process, Test(Lab) …)

Mechanical problem

Electrical problem

Working experience:? ????

·???????? Engineering working (design and process) experience in Induction Motor??

-familiar with induction motor design process (electrical and mechanical)

-Good understanding and knowledge of the structure of induction motor

-At least 5 years Motor electrical design & process experiences.


·???????? Language : English (Good at written, spoken)

·???????? Computer : 2d program(AutoCAD), 3d program(Ideas or U.G),

Microsoft Office, Quality analysis. If possible FEM

·???????? Education : Electrical engineering , Motor

Personal merit:

·?? Creative, Innovative and Open Mind ?

·?? Having a global approach

·?? Ability for teamwork, communication and Managing

·?? Cooperative spirit

·?? Willing to travel

·?? Able to work efficiently without close supervision


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