Academic and steamed bread (turn Mr. Heng-Jian Pu Essay ...
Academic and steamed bread (turn Mr. Heng-Jian Pu Essay) [原创 2010-02-23 09:55:48]   
join in the fun loving people crowding together is probably the world-famous ground dead mice only a lot of people to watch and rushes Wai express views is probably only happen in the local spectacle. Once upon a time, be called-style martial arts master singled out academic research, are Everywhere around, and has been reduced to catch the thief-style gang fights on the streets, in addition to hemiplegia except that everyone is responsible for everybody, is worthy of disdain for the foreign land My Country a major feature.
As far as I can see, when the thief most Zeimeishuyan, timid shortness of breath and are weak, anger, under the general Meisha resistance, so rest assured that only targeted to the beat, usually henpecked, loaded grandchildren can have a go, Hei hei Yayajinxian a hero.
rice, steamed bread, the staple food is My Country north and south, everyone ate and the way is easy to learn. Beat thief like Taomi cooking, no big deal; now Now, under the eyes and engage in academic, like steamed bread and noodles, as long as cerebral palsy is not a half an hour can be mastered, though tasteless, but it can fill the stomach, so who can show off.
current academic research, any soft rake smoothly flowed as rapidly as cheap goods,, are strange cries big selling extraordinarily well. As supermarket promotion that would not take much capital to be able to hold a basket of home, voices, bustling.
humanities at the university, the largest bread cover is none other than the non-education. Its enrollment, conducting courses, income-generating large amount of as much as the other faculties can not hold a candle to. Generally speaking, post-graduate education applicants in the "interdisciplinary" Entrants are also a lot more than other faculties. Many of them of the history of science, Chinese applicants Needless to say, even some of the original body of the sciences or arts professional and a half bottle vinegar dared along for the ride, its admission is not likely much lower than that registered for the profession, so great cheap bread Who would not want to bite a tongue?
education whether it is a professional, even some education teachers are not given personal assurances that vicious, then also immune to its door open,, ended up in single file. Just think, what the discipline can not add an "education" suffix it? Chinese education, music education, political education ... ... it was siemens siemens education, good and bad there are its relatively well-targeted and goals, and only to the absence of the meaning of "education" can win a war can not say, but it does not counterparts, so what's it say "professional." Since there is no threshold of professional restrictions, steamed all of us will do, do not want to fire bad if it tried.
push a while and in all, the I in musicology, music education is also a relatively large buns. Engaged in the "direction" study of people as much as the large number of literary theory, it is amazing. Now just open any one publication can not see the "education" word, my eyes do not customary, but also thinking that Zouliao Yan. As far as I know, the School of Music undergraduate as well as post-graduate theses, more piles of "education" the word Xian Qi, title, archaic and vulgar, Zhi Jiaoren scalp tingle; As for the title of thesis evaluation of university teachers is even more bored and stink to high heaven, and many publications dedicated music education classes for this layout, as long as writing paper notes tucked look inside smashing, not to worry about the children fat, it is an open secret.
world music (such as has not yet called "learning"), music, cultural studies more widely available to be narrower, its meaning is more abundant, as long as willing to invest the effort, this can achieve two major cuisine. But right now is very much reduced to flour buns at risk. I eyesight on the rise, the biggest names in world music is currently engaged in class experts, however, linger abroad at public expense? A few times, than I spent time at their own expense Staff Committee longer only on the foreign (private) music I am afraid that only know that fur, it can only be to see some thin shallow introduction to the text. According to the requirements of research point of view, is still stuck in bread production levels; music,, cultural studies, while informative tour Ji-style record too, the situation is broadly similar to the current sound of the two noises are obviously too large, the name really does not seem to matching.
I only hope that unlike science knowledge, academic research, its results should be fine cuisine, rather than wheat flour bread.相关的主题文章:
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