牙龈出血,怎么老做??? « City life wiki 城市百科







Bleeding gums, how old do???

bleeding gums, how old do???

bleeding gums
1. platelets to check the situation and remove blood disease.
2. more teeth in the dental calculus, gingival recession more serious, it is recommended to the formal scaling of hospitals and clinics. Bleeding after scaling will be reduced once every six months to be scaling.
3. use some of the more therapeutic toothpaste. Usually pay attention to oral hygiene, eating dinner mouthwash, dental floss, etc. to help with the mouth clean.

1. vitamins is not enough (vitamin C)
2. use of toothpaste is not suitable for your gums may be sensitive, it is best to use a number of anti-sensitive toothpastes
3. oral bacteria trouble, use the mouthwash mouthwash
4. rub teeth posture is not correct, can not be too forceful, gently hit gums on the list

you have bleeding gums often, the best to the hospital for symptomatic treatment after diagnosis
teeth from tooth enamel (known as the enamel), dentin (commonly known as dentine), composed of cementum and pulp.
packages were built in the crown of the enamel surface, although not thick, but it is very hard, its hardness second only to diamond, is the most hard-organization of the human body; dentin constitute the main body of the teeth, it is also a very hard organization by many owners into the dentinal tubules, small tubes are numerous nerve endings, so the teeth defects, wear or produced cavities, they can feel pain occurs; dentin in the root package outside of its hardness and the hardness of bone similar to . The center of a tooth cavity, containing soft tissue, called pulp. Some people pulp called “tooth nerve”, which is not accurate. Because the pulp is rich in nerves, inter alia, as well as blood vessels, lymph and connective tissue. Pulp with the formation of dentin, nutrition, dental organizations as well as feel and defense function. When the dentin surface due to caries or trauma causes damage, the marrow cavity wall can form secondary dentin to protect the pulp; as a result of necrosis or after the removal of the pulp, dentin and enamel will be due to lack of adequate nutrition and the moisture and become fragile, easily broken tooth damage.
gingivitis is confined to parts of gum disease, common for marginal gingivitis and hypertrophic gingivitis.
marginal gingivitis: also known as simple gingivitis, gingival lesions in the joints of the gingival margin and the Department of the interdental papilla. Of common diseases due to plaque, tartar, calculus, food impaction, and inappropriate denture. In particular evident early stage of the disease symptoms, and no pain, but often bleeding gums; light bleeding may as irritating, such as brushing teeth, chewing, minor collision that is bleeding; In severe cases, may have spontaneous bleeding. Shows the accumulation of gingival margin, and stones. Easy bleeding gums oppression. To eliminate pathogenic factors, stimulation and to remove the calculus and then treated with drugs, or medication of no avail. Commonly used 3% hydrogen peroxide, 1% topical iodine glycerin, etc., or 0.1 fluid such as chlorhexidine mouthwash.
hypertrophic gingivitis: also known as hyperplastic gingivitis, mostly occurs in young people, more than the previous performance of the gum tissue edema, soft, showing chronic inflammation mast. As calculus, tartar, food and other embedded local irritant, as well as the poor relations between the biting teeth, such as the wrong tooth and so on, can cause chronic inflammation mast. Systemic factors, mostly endocrine disorders, such as women puberty, menstrual period, pregnancy, gums may have a significant inflammation, hypertrophy. To eliminate the cause of illness, inflammation may be lost. Can remove tartar, dental calculus, correct mouth breathing habit. Such as gingival hypertrophy, after the above treatment does not work, do dental gum surgery. Of systemic diseases caused by gingival enlargement, inflammation, should focus on treating the whole body. The disease prevention: pay attention to oral hygiene, brushing to master the correct way to correct bad habits.

bleeding gums are common symptoms of oral disease, is also reflected in the gums of some medical disease symptoms. Often accompanied by bleeding gums bad breath is not conducive to the patient work of social events, and some will bring the spirit of burden on the patient.
Under normal circumstances, the gingival epithelium tightly attached on the surface of cementum and enamel, the friction against the outside world. If the integrity of gingival epithelium was Jishang damaged, there will be bleeding gums. Of light in the brush your teeth, sucking, biting hard objects, or teeth, bleeding, heavy in the mild stimulation or no stimulation will be bleeding. Such as inflammation, fever caused by gum tissue of the vascular structures change, can also cause bleeding. Bleeding gums caused by oral disease, more common in gingivitis and periodontal diseases. In addition, dentures inappropriate, food impaction, periodontal damage, etc., can result in bleeding gums.
systemic diseases, such as leukemia, hemophilia, thrombocytopenia purpura, aplastic anemia, bleeding gums may occur, mostly for extensive automatic bleeding, quantity and difficult to halt. Liver cirrhosis, hypersplenism, nephritis late, some heat must be disease, bleeding gums may also occur.
a lot of diseases caused by bleeding gums. To identify the original calendar, a clear diagnosis to treatment and prevention of paramount importance. Bleeding gums caused by oral disease, early treatment works well. To develop good oral hygiene habits can prevent gingivitis, periodontitis place. Persist in the morning and evening brushing, mouthwash after meals to remove dirt and food debris to prevent tartar and dental calculus formation.

add vc, attention to oral hygiene, brush your teeth with a soft hair brush or not to force too much, eat more fruits and vegetables, intake of dietary fiber.05-11-18

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