    Oskar Frech GmbH + Co. KG is the leading manufacturer of hot and and cold chamber machines, die casting dies and automation equipment, and also provides single-source solutions for the die casting industry. With 19 international subsidiaries and partner companies, Frech provides its customers with the most comprehensive sales and service network available. Currently, in total a team of 700 members of staff are employed. For more than 55 years the company has continuously set new standards for the industry. It was the first company to begin series production of magnesium hot chamber machines (1966) and introduced the first electrically driven die casting machine in 1999. Oskar Frech GmbH + Co. KG takes over the die casting business of Mueller Weingarten AG.

As well as expanding Frech's manufacturing base in Germany, the acquisition extends the locking-force range of the company's cold chamber die casting machines up to 52.000kN. The company will also continue to offer service as well as warranty supply for Mueller Weingarten machines already in use.

Further information can be found here.

MW Casting Technology can be found under cold chamber.

德国富来公司是专门从事压铸工艺研究和成套设备生产的企业,Oskar Frech以其专业性及持续的研发、发展投入,赢得了业界的尊重以及遍布全球的市场,尤其是热室压铸机在殴美地区垄断了七成市场。


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