跑跑卡丁车09 dress, top ten ranked team prediction!_UGGSALEUK28_ ...
{n1} vertical and horizontal teams from the ADO team after the dissolution of vertical and horizontal teams recruit heroes, dress, gathered a large number of top professional players. Parallel development of Telecom and China Netcom. Become a veritable dress,, first teams.
team that represents the vertical and horizontal aspect 丨 丨 丶 丶 Jing Zhu Qing vertical and horizontal aspect 丨 丨 丶 丶 Coke Bear and so on too much, not 11 presented.
NO.2FC team formerly ADO team,, ADO team was dissolved, most of the FC team, joined the team, they naturally do not have the strength to say. Professional service in the country belong to the team leader of the lead position.
team on behalf of FCclub small wind FCclub Xiao-fan FCclub Yuchen FCclub hill, and so too much, nor more than 11, said.
NO.3 excellent team 4TCLUB tiger team was dissolved, most of the players transfer priority tiger. Has a large number of professional drivers. The various leagues in the telecommunications area's award-winning.
team on behalf of U-hu-hu 丨 丨 丶 丶 Songhe Zhang Bo U U D U-hu-hu 丨 丶 丨 丶 small
NO.4PLAY team Li Xiaopeng led PLAY Corps, since the self-built team. To overcome various difficulties and obstacles,, persist to the present, remains a strong power of dress, 跑跑. We pay high tribute to PLAY Corps
team on behalf of Play Sisters Play Saiyan Play Huang Tao
NO.5 Journey to the West Journey to the West team team has been very low-key mystery. This is a dress, one of the earliest establishment of a large number of teams. Today, still brilliant, unstoppable. With super stability. Already have the highest professional standards.
team on behalf of basaltic Journey to the West Journey to the West 灬 丨 丨 丶 灬 灬 丨 Chinese Journey to the West to study tetsusei Tour 灬 丨 Xiaoyu
NO.6 Shenyang Shenyang, the team won the team time and again all kinds of big game ranking official website is also a trend of timing list is strong, and professional service team in the country to occupy a place in the prestigious 跑跑 session. Only into the top ten ranked team for granted.
team on behalf of Shenyang Shenyang 丨 丨 丶 MINO, Shen Yang Zhe, Shen 丨 丶 丶 Sharjah Shenyang Shenyang Shenyang 丨 丶 Xu Chi
NO.7 Rainbow Team Rainbow team in the telecommunications an area where semi-professional team in a very strong position. Although the team was set up later, but developed rapidly, absorbing a lot of drivers have the strength.
team on behalf of the Rainbow Rainbow II-VI 丶 丶 professional career Triple Rainbow Rainbow 丶 丶 professional career Stanford Ng
NO.8 team an edge of a geo-day team after a period of days integration, the gradual development and strengthening of an area in the telecom Rivers and Mountains occupy a seat. Team team rules strictly, image quality, the overall strength of the strong.
team on behalf of a geo-day geo-days 丨 丨 Bothriochloa a monster has a margin of days 丨 丨 snake a geo-day fairy
NO.9SZBO team Shandong Zibo has a brontosaurus and a number of team net a powerful player in the CNC one area stood out among the many teams in the league, won several national dress a good ranking. Strength should not be overlooked.
Team RS on behalf of S 丶 zBo 丨 丶 zBo 丨 D 丨 S 丶 zBo 丨 J 丨 S 丶 zBo 丨 丨
{n1}0 Constellation L 跑跑 veteran team Chinese teams, although dissolved for some time, but Constellation fun group still refuses to give Reggie a few constellations, still active in the Netcom Telecom from time to time.相关的主题文章:

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