如何正确清洗笔记本电脑? - 酷酷口语陪练- sophia09 - 和讯博客
如何正确清洗笔记本电脑? [原创 2010-02-23 20:56:19]   

Dust, fingerprints, and smudges are all attracted to a laptop screen, so get a better view with a cleaner screen.

You Will Need

Your computer's user manual
Cotton balls or a cotton cloth
Distilled water
Isopropyl alcohol
A spray bottle
White vinegar (optional)
Step 1: Read computer manual(仔细阅读电脑使用说明书)
Read your computer’s manual for cleaning product restrictions before you clean your screen.

Step 2: Wipe the screen(用棉布轻轻擦拭屏幕)
Turn off your monitor. Wipe the screen softly with a dry cotton ball or dry cotton cloth to remove any dust.

Step 3: Mix solution(将蒸馏水和醋参半,放入喷雾瓶瓶中)
Mix a solution of 50 percent distilled water with 50 percent isopropyl alcohol in a spray bottle.

You can also use 50 percent vinegar and a 50 percent distilled water solution.

Step 4: Spray cotton ball(用自制的溶液喷在键盘上)
Spray the cotton ball or cotton cloth with the solution.

Do not spray the solution directly onto the computer screen.  

Step 5: Wipe the screen(沿着圆形弧线擦拭屏幕)
Wipe the screen gently, in a circular motion.

Step 6: Enjoy your clean screen(收工)
Enjoy your clean screen.


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