
中国云南、广西等地近来遭遇50年一遇的特大旱灾,不少河溪断流,超过400万人饮水困难。目前,抗旱救灾工作正在紧张进行。 云南、广西本来是雨水充沛的地方,但自去年9月中旬以来,降雨持续偏少,旱情发展迅速。其中,云南去年7月至今的平均降水量比多年同期减少200多毫米,打破了有气象记录以来的最少纪录。气象部门预计,未来数天这些地区的旱情可能会进一步加剧。 官方公布的数据显示,云南全省作物受旱面积超过100万公顷,干枯10多万公顷,有380多万人、200万头大牲畜饮水困难。广西壮族自治区有20多万人、10多万大牲畜因旱饮水困难。 日前,中国中央财政已紧急安排了5000万元人民币特大抗旱补助经费,支持云南、广西等地的抗旱工作。受旱地区的政府也组织数百万人,利用机电井、泵站等水利设施,努力扩大灌溉面积。同时,政府还安排大量机动运水车辆,向受旱灾影响的居民提供基本生活用水。此外,人工增雨的各项技术准备工作也在进行中。 另外,中国国家森林防火指挥部4日也向云南、广西、贵州、四川、西藏等地发布代表森林火险{zgj}别的红色警报,要求这些地区做好森林防火工作。

“ The use of electromechanical well experienced serious drought in Guangxi, efforts to expand irrigation pumping station ”是由提供的国际水泵新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国隔膜泵网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。


China, Yunnan, Guangxi and other places that recently faced a case of a large 50-year drought, a lot of rivers drying up, more than 400 million people drinking water problems. At present, the drought relief work is being carried out. Yunnan, Guangxi, could have been plenty of rain in places, but since mid-September last year, continued below normal rainfall, the drought has developed rapidly. Among them, Yunnan Province since July last year, the average annual precipitationthan the same period in more than 200 millimeters for many years, breaking a record at least since the meteorological records. Meteorological Department expects the next few days, the drought in these areas may be further exacerbated. The official data show an area of Yunnan province's crops have been affected more than one million hectares, withered and more than 10 million hectares, there are more than 380 million people, 200 million head of livestock drinking water. Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region has more than 20 million people, more than 10 million large livestock, Yin Han drinking water problems. Recently, the Chinese central government has arranged a 50 million yuan for emergency drought assistance large funds to support Yunnan, Guangxi and other places of drought. Drought-hit areas of government also organized millions of people, the use of electromechanical well, pumping stations and other water conservancy facilities, efforts to expand irrigation. At the same time, the Government also arranged for a large number of motor vehicles to transport water to drought-affected residents in basic daily needs. In addition, the artificial precipitation of the technical preparations are also underway. In addition, China's national forest fire prevention headquarters on the 4th also to Yunnan, Guangxi, Guizhou, Sichuan, Tibet and other representatives of the forest fire risk at the highest level issued a red alert to require doing a good job of forest fire prevention work in these areas.

郑重声明:资讯 【广西遭遇特大旱灾利用机电井、泵站努力扩大灌溉面积_中国离心泵网_新浪博客】由 发布,版权归原作者及其所在单位,其原创性以及文中陈述文字和内容未经(企业库qiyeku.com)证实,请读者仅作参考,并请自行核实相关内容。若本文有侵犯到您的版权, 请你提供相关证明及申请并与我们联系(qiyeku # qq.com)或【在线投诉】,我们审核后将会尽快处理。
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