CES 2010:Casio 发布四台新Exilim 数码相机

• EX-FH100 - 10.1mp锛屾瘡绉?40 寮犺繛鎷嶇殑鐩告満锛屾湁 24mm 璧疯烦鐨?10x 鍏夊鍙樼劍闀滃ご銆傚綍鍍忔ā寮忔渶楂樺埌浠ュ埌 1000fps锛岄瀹氬敭浠?350 缇庡厓銆傦紙涓婂浘锛?br />
• EX-H15 - 14mp銆?" 灞忓箷銆?4mm 璧疯烦鐨?10x 鍙樼劍闀滃ご锛屽彿绉扮數鍔涘彲浠ユ拺 1000 寮犵収鐗囷紝棰勮鍞环 300 缇庡厓銆?• EX-Z2000 - 14mp銆?6mm 璧疯烦鐨?5x 鍙樼劍闀滃ご锛岄璁″敭浠?200 缇庡厓銆?• EX-Z550 - 14mp銆?6mm 璧疯烦鐨?5x 鍏夊鍙樼劍銆?.7" 灞忓箷锛岄璁″敭浠?170 缇庡厓銆?


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