cellfood-《加洲阳光》 美国原装细胞食物Cellfood(富氧矿素) 上海限时 ...

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美国原装直邮 细胞食物 Cellfood(富氧矿素) 30ML
有效期:2018年02月 美国产品都有有效期。有效期时间可以帮知道产品新鲜度。有效期在瓶底。





1、 氧气对身体健康功能很重要,氧气供给身体系统能量。
2、 催化化学反应以及排除体内废弃物和毒素。
3、 透过独特的体内“溶解水分子”功能,增进体内的氧气生化作用。在氧气中直接释放充足的新生氧和氢。
4、 微量的矿物质,能提供建立{zj0}的生理机能。
5、 电解质支持身体胶质系统及健全的电磁整体性,包括血液本身。电解质提供血红素负电子,让红血球恢复{zj0}功能。
6、 人体平均生命力的频率是6,500埃。癌症病人的生命频率在1,875埃,只要滴一滴细胞食物在250毫升的纯净水中,将散发出77,000单位生命力的频率。
7、 细胞食物产生的新生氢离子,可以提供给身体许多的机转功能来使用,像是对抗过敏、建造和增强细胞和组织、xx、增加渗透性、保持肺部表面的湿润以过滤气体、调节体温等。氢对消化、吸收和排除等作用很重要,并且可以透过动脉将营养素送达脑部和所有身体细胞。
8、 细胞食物是非常优良的产品,因为它能够帮助我们达到近乎全方位的平衡。在生理方面,细胞食物提供身体必需的矿物质,建造身体所需;在带电体和电磁体方面,增加所有xxxx的振动频率,增加免疫系统功能,让神经系统能够更有效地运作;在生物性方面,加速自然生物过程。
9、 细胞食物还能供给氧和营养素,让脑部能够帮助稳定情绪和心理平衡。





◆四十岁以上开始进入老化过程,懂得关心自己健康的人。 ;









◆想xxxx的人 ;











CELLFOOD 是全世界销售{dy}的氧气+营养补充品。位于美国的NuScience公司生产艾瓦雷特?史多雷的原创CELLFOOD 专利配方也已经超过40年了,这个配方含有78种的矿物质、34种的酵素、还有17种的氨基酸。CELLFOOD 利用一种专利的水解技术(water-splitting)来产生一种强而有力的生物可利用氧(bio-available oxygen)及129种营养素直接来让细胞利用。



除了许多对一般健康方面的益处之外,CELLFOOD也已经成为职业体运动选手喜爱的营养补助品之一。在南非普多利亚大学(University of Pretoria)的一项研究指出,CELLFOOD可以增加氧气的吸收力道(VO2 Max)及增加铁蛋白(铁的储存量)并且可以减少乳酸的堆积(肌肉疲劳)。






氧气营养补充食品不是药, 它是营养补充品,会增加同在24小时内所食用的其它补充品的吸收率。

注意事项─请勿以过热的开水冲泡(勿超过40℃) ,请放置在阴凉、乾燥和避免阳光直射之处。

Click the links at the left
to learn more about Cellfood.

CELLFOOD is a proprietary ionic formula that contains 78 ionic minerals, 34 enzymes, 17 amino acids, electrolytes and dissolved oxygen— and utilizes a unique water-splitting technology. It provides an unsurpassed oxygen and nutrient delivery system, and is absorbed quickly and efficiently by every cell in the body. Cellfood's unique structure oxygenates and feeds the cells— cleaning and tuning up the body's systems throughout the day. Cellfood is made from all-natural plant substances, and is yeast-free and gluten-free.

It's been said that all forms of illness can be traced to two basic causes: too many toxins in the body and too few nutrients reaching the cells. Cellfood is the only product that addresses these two vital health issues at the same time, and with remarkable thoroughness.
Cellfood is created by a proprietary nine month process in which these all-natural nutrient-rich plant substances are held in a negatively-charged suspension of deuterium (an isotope of hydrogen). The result is a remarkable formulation which— by utilizing the same technology used decades ago to split the atom— actually 'dissociates' (splits) water molecules within the body by weakening the bonding electrons, and gives birth to cascades of vital, life-giving oxygen. This newly-born oxygen, combined with an array of vital nutrients, is carried to every cell in the body— cleaning, toning and building the cells and tissues hour after hour, day after day. Since our bodies are over two-thirds water, this oxygen and hydrogen source is virtually unlimited.
How does Cellfood work?

When you mix Cellfood with water or juice and ingest it, its proprietary water-splitting action begins the moment you take the first sip. This cascading time release of oxygen typically peaks within 8-12 hours, and then keeps working hour after hour. In partnership with the body's own natural intelligence, Cellfood releases oxygen whenever and wherever it's needed— and if no longer needed, no more is released. And, its essential natural minerals, enzymes, amino acids and electrolytes are delivered simultaneously throughout the body on the deepest cellular level.
Cellfood is a miracle of electromagnetic design. Since Cellfood is colloidal and negatively charged— just like the blood and lymph fluid— there is a natural synchronicity between these fluids. Cellfood and its nutrients move through the cell walls easily, and its vital nutrients are absorbed and assimilated quickly and efficiently. And, Cellfood is a di-pole, di-base delivery system, delivering its nutrients to the cells and tissues under any conditions. (Di-pole means Cellfood is effective in any polarity range of the body; di-base means it's effective in any pH range and will tend to normalize the body's acid/base balance). Therefore, Cellfood is exceptional as an overall delivery system not only for its own nutrients, but for increasing cell-absorption (by as much as 3-5 times) of any other nutrients or substances introduced into the body within the same 24 hour period. Notably, there is no known toxicity associated with Cellfood.
Importantly, Cellfood won't create free radical damage. Free radicals— believed to be a primary cause of aging and disease— are positively charged ions of oxygen. Since Cellfood's released oxygen molecules are negatively charged, they seek out and attract these dangerous free radicals, joining with them to form stabilized oxygen.

Directions for use
Adults take 8 drops in 8 oz. of purified or distilled water, or juice, 3 times per day— or during stress or physical activity. Best taken between meals (at least 15 min. before or 1 hour after). May mix 1 day's amount in water bottle and sip throughout day. Each 1-oz. bottle of Cellfood? contains 90 servings of 8 drops each, or 720 drops.
Some may experience a cleansing or detoxification response. If so, halve dosage at beginning, then gradually resume full dosage.
Keep out of reach of children. Avoid eye contact; rinse well if dropped in eyes. If pregnant, nursing or under medical care, consult your health professional.
Care when pouring
Pour with care. Before Cellfood is mixed with water or juice, its beneficial organic enzymes can compromise countertops, clothing and other surfaces. Store bottle on tray.

Topical applications
Cellfood has been formulated in a special gel base for external topical use— Cellfood Oxygen Gel. Made from Cellfood original liquid concentrate, aloe vera, chamomile, glycerine and fossilized organics.
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1-ounce bottle = 30-day supply
Cellfood comes in a 1-ounce unbreakable bottle that provides a 30-day supply when taken as directed. The suggested retail price is $26.95.
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These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If under medical care, or if pregnant or nursing, consult a health professional.
Cellfood is manufactured by Nu Science Corporation in an FDA licensed and registered laboratory and is distributed by:
Lumina Health Products












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