高层建筑减压阀给水系统维护管理经验概述- 中国闸阀网- 博客大巴
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    [ 摘 要 ] 减压阀在高层建筑给水系统中正得到越来越广泛的应用。为确保系统的正常工作,总结了加强责任意识,掌握运行操作、排故实践知识及相关的基本管理要求3方面的经验。 [ 正 文 ] 随着我国建筑给排水科技的发展,近十余年来各种类型进口和国内自行研制的给水减压阀( 比例式、活塞可调式、薄膜可调式、气囊可调式……)已在高层建筑、乃至超高层建筑给水系统中得到广泛应用。实践表明:应用减压阀的给水减压保障系统与传统的中间水箱减压系统相比,有占用空间小、技术特性稳定、压力比调节灵活、使用寿命长、维护管理便捷等优点。但如何保障高层建筑减压阀给水系统的正常工作,使高层建筑用户获得良好的供用水环境,并确保楼宇内消防灭火设施(消火栓、喷洒)遇警显效的作用,离不开对减压阀给水系统科学有序的维护管理。因此熟悉系统工作原理,掌握正确管理保养、操作排故知识和技能,对从事高层建筑物业管理、维修工作的人员显得特别重要。笔者现对减压阀给水系统维护管理经验从3个方面做如下总结。 1 加强维护管理责任意识   从宏观方面着眼,物业管理、维修操作人员应首先熟悉高层建筑给水系统的概况和类型,掌握不同楼宇生活给水系统、消防系统乃至生产等复合给水系统性能特点,基本理解系统水力平衡运作机理,设置技术情况,特别要熟悉系统内多种减压元件的应用原理,性能要求。要掌握系统的正常性能指标,当系统出现故障时,如某些用水设备压力不稳定,急骤波动,甚至还伴有"负压"抽吸,或者减压系统关键管段出现断续啸叫噪音情况时,不仅能从理性方面去分析判断原因,以正确的思路指导实践;同时,要加强维护管理责任意识,提高专业技术水平,培养系统调试、操作运行、应急排故的动手能力。管理好每幢高层建筑的供、用水设施,使业主(用户)得到实惠。 2 运行操作、排故实践知识   (1)要避免存留脏物、杂物进入减压阀减压保障系统。新建或者改造工程的减压系统管网,很可能遗留沙粒、麻丝、杂物。投运前,一般都应进行水冲洗,满足清洁要求后,{zh1}装上减压阀和过滤器滤芯,这样才能避免杂物流入减压阀,杜绝减压阀卡芯现象。在系统进入工作后,保障减压系统的水流畅通与否,与设置在系统上的过滤器流通能力关系密切,如滤芯被杂物严重吸附,则会影响减压阀的工作,为此必需对过滤器进行定期检查,及时xx污秽。实践表明这项工作2至3个月必须进行一次,有些可调式(弹簧式、薄膜式)减压阀,其主阀或者导阀自身设置过滤器,同样需要定期拆洗滤芯。   (2)1用1备的减压阀组应定期轮换工作。大部分高层建筑生活给水减压阀减压保障系统,是以给水竖向分区设置的,一般设在每一给水分区总管上。考虑到众多用户的用水可靠安全性(住宅每一分区有几十户至上百户,公共建筑如宾馆、饭店,每一分区有几十套客房……) ,设计时减压阀应两套并列安装(1用1备)。减压通路两侧都辅以闸阀或蝶阀,可启闭任一减压通道,为使并列的两套减压阀通道能正常工作,常规一个月轮流交换一次,搁置时间过长减压通道死水结垢,减压元件阀芯会卡住失效。   (3)应及时排除管道中的积气。当空气进入减压管网或管网内随压力变化时气体从水中析出,这时区域内用户的水压极不稳定;处在供水最不利点用水器更是压力变化急骤,有时呈现虚假的峰值压力,有时还会抽吸断水,还有管网会伴随撞击声。产生这种现象,会影响燃气热水器、电热水器等稳定工作,严重时会被毁坏;对各种盥洗器具的进水连接管破坏力也很大,特别是目前常用的一些复合型连结软管,其强度较差,因此爆管的事件屡有发生;有些水表无法正确计量,出现用户不用水,水表也会不断地转动。为杜绝这类事故,应检查屋顶水箱生活给水总管的蓄水高程是否满足,如不满足水箱出水口处会产生水旋,吸入空气。排除这一故障可调整水箱内液位控制器的{zd1}水位高程,经验表明一般{zd1}水位距出水口应不小于0.3m。也可反复开启设置在分区、减压系统两侧的压力表放气旋塞,把已进入管网内的空气徐徐排出。如采取上述措施后,在分区总管末梢以下的一些用水器还出现上述现象,可以在这些部位增设自动排气装置。   (4)注意减压阀的减压保障系统。无论选用比例式还是可调式减压阀,其减压比 P1∶P2不宜选择过大,一般应控制在5∶1之内。超过这个范围易产生气蚀现象,损坏阀件,产生啸叫噪音。有些活塞式减压阀,制造厂在其阀体上加工一个直径1.5mm左右的小孔,其功能是让阀芯运动时起到透吸气作用,维护管理时应注意千万不要将小孔塞住,否则影响减压阀的正常运行。   (5)加强减压阀保障系统的管理巡视,要注意观察减压阀本身的工作动态。阀前、阀后压力数值接近,表明减压阀本身已存在故障。即活塞式减压阀的阀芯与阀体间的平面密封橡胶件损坏;薄膜式可调型减压阀主阀膜片有裂痕和O型圈损坏,及导阀连通管堵塞,造成减压阀减压作用削弱或者失效。这对分区管网危害极大,特别是许多用水设备可能因超压力而出现爆管,必须及时修复。比例式(活塞型)减压阀阀体上的透吸气小孔如出现滴漏不止,表明阀芯上几档O型密封圈已经磨损,要更换密封件。但在修理拆装减压元件时,要谨慎细心,调换内密封件;清理杂物时,应因势利导,不要用金属棒、硬梗撬阀的活动部位,使用木榔头和木柄敲击震动,慢慢拆卸阀内部件。修理完毕后重新安装时,一定要和阀门上的流向指示保持一致。   (6)注意检查比例式减压阀的安装位置。高层内减压阀设计安装的位置不妥,会出现减压阀阀后压力忽高忽低,管网压力严重偏离允许范围,伴随毁坏淋浴器,水管爆裂和损坏用户水表等事故发生;有时也会水流不畅,分区内出现无规律的断水现象,影响用户用水。出现类似事故,检查整个减压阀减压分区给水系统,无疑点可找;拆卸减压阀过滤器等元件并无异常;有些物业管理单位甚至怀疑减压阀的技术性能,多次调换新的减压阀,也不能解决问题。这时可从检查比例减压阀设计安装位置是否合理着手,认真检查管网系统是否存在等位倒虹管现象,即分区的输出管路标高相近。此类情况在主、副楼同一屋顶水箱,下给水供水系统中很容易出现。发现这些问题,可以考虑把比例减压阀安装位置提高一个层面(不能提得太高,必须顾全分区内用水设备的承压规范要求);也可在主、副楼内,分设两组独立的比例减压阀给水系统。最近,我们遇到一幢28层高层建筑(二级建筑、商住办、娱乐、餐饮于一体的综合楼)的给水问题,几个竖向给水分区均出现以上事故,惹得设计单位和物业管理部门绞尽脑汁。我们把减压阀元件提高了一层后,问题迎刃而解,如图1所示(这类故障一般发生在静压供水系统)。  减压阀设计安装位置改进   (7)注意系统排污。高层建筑消防给水系统的消火栓管网,喷洒头管网是由屋顶水箱- 消防总管-股管(消火栓、喷洒头-底环总管-消防水泵-进水泵接口)等组成封闭式环网。平时管网内水体处在静止状态(除管理部门检测放水外),屋顶水箱底部沉积的污垢杂质顺引进入消防管,并沉积在环管U型部位,管网不畅使众多大楼在消防系统检测试验时非得断续启动,有时排完管内污泥浊水要花几十分钟。即使消防水泵能勉强启动,但设置在管网上的多类减压元件也因长期处在死水环境中,也无法正常发挥作用。因此,管理上一定要制订制度,开启消防股管底部连通管的放水阀进行排污,彻底排除下半环的沉积污物;对于设置在喷洒系统的分区 检测排水阀,同样要轮换分段放水。其周期一般3个月为宜,只有对高层建筑消防管网的科学管理,才能使消防功能的发挥得到切实的保证。 3 与高层建筑消防给水系统相关的基本管理要求   (1)当前高层建筑消防贮水普遍采用与生活给水在同一水箱,只是生活用水在贮水箱的上部,消防蓄水在贮水箱的底部。备而不用的消防蓄水是通过水箱内虹吸生活给水管使之xxx流动,达到保洁作用。受水体微生物繁衍和金属管浸在水中的锈蚀作用,高位虹吸管、低位虹吸管的小孔很易堵塞。当虹吸管孔被堵塞,而生活用水量一时供不应求时,消防蓄水就会顺引而出,无法保证其贮量。如发生"万一"事件,后果不堪设想。所以管理上千万不能忽视虹吸管孔的检测疏通工作。办法是用定制的小铁钎xx孔口的渍垢和锈蚀。这样既保证了消防蓄水不成死水,饮用水不受污染,又保证了消防的备用水量。   (2)对于消防管网内的单流阀,特别是屋顶水箱消防水管接入环网的{dy}只单流阀,很易出现卡死现象,也曾发生多起被塑料袋、绳缠住事件,因此检查它的功能很重要。应用减压孔板或者节流器的消防系统,也同样要密切注意其维护检修工作。   (3)检查消防水泵电源供应和工作情况,检测消防备用电源倒闸切换系统,判断其工作状态,技术性能是否正常。在消防系统管理检测时,多台消防水泵机电配备的装置(检测、安全、显示、讯号等方面)都要轮换启动、运行,做到有备无患,万无一失。

    “ High-rise building water system maintenance and management experience in valve outline ”是由提供的国际阀门新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国闸阀网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。

    [Abstract] Valve in high-rise building water supply system which is gaining more and more widely used. In order to ensure the normal operation of the system, summed up the strengthening of a sense of responsibility, master running operation, ranked so practical knowledge and the related basic regulatory requirements 3 experience. [Text] As China's water supply and drainage construction technology development over the past ten years, various types of imported and domestic self-developed water supply valve (proportional type, piston adjustable type, film adjustable type, adjustable airbags ... ...) has been in high-rise buildings, as well as super high-rise building water supply systems are widely used. Practice shows that: The decompression valve to protect the water supply system and traditional compared to the middle of the water tank pressure relief system, there is a small space and technical characteristics of stability, and pressure ratio adjustment flexibility, long life and convenient maintenance and so on. But how to protect high-rise building water supply system, the normal pressure reducing valve, so that high-rise building users to get a good supply of water environment and ensure that the buildings within the fire fighting facilities (fire hydrant, spraying) When a police markedly role of the valve can not be separated water system maintenance and management of scientific and orderly. Therefore, the system works are familiar with and master the proper management of maintenance, operation row so the knowledge and skills, to engage in high-rise building property management, maintenance staff is particularly important. The author is right valve water system maintenance and management experience from three done summarized as follows.  A strengthened sense of responsibility for maintenance and administration  From the macro focus, property management, maintenance, operators should first be familiar with an overview of high-rise building water supply system and type of life to master the different building water supply systems, fire systems and even manufacturing performance characteristics of complex water supply systems, the basic understanding of the operation of hydraulic balancing mechanism, set up technical conditions, in particular, be familiar with a variety of vacuum system components, the application of the principle of performance requirements. To master the system's normal performance when the system fails, such as certain water-pressure instability, rapid-fluctuation, and even accompanied by "negative pressure" suction, or vacuum system, a key pipeline intermittent whistle noise conditions occur , not only from the rational aspects to analyze and judge the reasons for the correct line of thought to guide practice; the same time, we should strengthen the sense of responsibility for maintenance and management, enhance their professional skills and training system commissioning, operation and running, emergency row so the practical ability. To manage high-rise buildings for each block, water facilities, so that the owners (users) benefits.  2 run operation, it is practical knowledge  row (1) To avoid retention dirt, debris into the vacuum valve to protect the system. New or renovation project decompression system pipe network, it is likely the remaining sand, ramie, debris. Put into operation before the wash water should be held to meet the cleaning requirements, the final installation of pressure reducing valve and filter cartridge, so as to avoid the debris into the valve, stop valve core phenomenon of cards. Into the work in the system to protect the vacuum system, water flow or not, and set filters on the system ability to close the circulation, such as the junk filter has been a serious adsorption, it will affect the valve work, this must carry out regular inspection of the filters and timely remove contamination. Practice shows that this work 2 to 3 months must be made once, and some adjustable (spring-type, film type) valve, the main valve or the valve guide to set their own filters, also need to take apart and wash filter on a regular basis.  (2) 1 prepared by using a regular rotation of the valve group should work. Most high-rise building water supply valve decompression of life support systems is based on water supply vertical partition set up, usually located in each water supply mains on the partition. Taking into account the large number of users a reliable water safety (there are dozens of housing in each district first 100 households, public buildings such as hotels, restaurants, dozens of rooms in each district ... ...), the design pressure reducing valve should be two sets of parallel install (1 with a prepared). Decompression path on both sides supported by valve or butterfly valve can open and close either a vacuum channel, in order to tie the two sets of valve channels to resume normal work routine one-month rotation exchange once, set aside for too long decompression channel backwater deposition, vacuum components, spool will be stuck failure.  (3) should be immediately removed the product of gas pipeline. When the air into the vacuum pipe or pipe network changes with the pressure inside the gas from water, precipitation, when the user's water pressure within the region is precarious; most disadvantageous point of water at the water supply device is rapid-pressure changes, and sometimes rendering a false peak pressure, sometimes pumping water, there are pipe network will be accompanied by a crash. This phenomenon will affect the gas-fired water heater, electric water heaters and other stability, serious cases will be destroyed; for various washing apparatus inlet connecting pipe is also a great destructive power, in particular, is commonly used in some of the complex link hose, which poor strength, it burst pipe happened frequently; some meters can not be correctly measured, there is not a user of water, water will continue to rotate. To prevent such incidents, should check the roof life of water mains of the water storage tank elevation is met, such as the Department does not meet the water tank will produce water outlet rotation, inhaled air. This failure to exclude an adjustable water tank level controller, the lowest level within the elevation, experience has shown that the general minimum level from the outlet should not be less than 0.3m. Can also be repeatedly set to open in the District, vacuum system, cyclone plug put pressure gauges on both sides to have entered the air inside the pipe slowly discharge. If taking the above measures, in the area following a number of water mains peripheral device is also the above-mentioned phenomenon, these parts can be added automatically exhaust.  (4) Note that the decompression valve to protect the system. Whether chosen or adjustable proportional valve, the decompression ratio P1: P2 should not choose too large, the general should be controlled within 5:1. Exceed this range is easy to produce cavitation phenomenon, damaged valves, resulting in whistle noise. Some of piston-type valves, the manufacturing plant in his body on the processing of a hole of about 1.5mm in diameter, its function is to suction spool movement played a role in penetration, maintenance and management should pay attention Do not plug the holes to live, or affect the normal operation of valve.  (5) to strengthen the management of security systems valve inspections, to observe the work of reducing valve itself is dynamic. Valve before the valve after the pressure value close to that valve itself is defective. Namely, piston valve of the spool and the valve plane between the rubber seal is damaged; membrane-type adjustable pressure reducing valve main valve diaphragm has cracks and O-ring damage, and the guide valve connecting pipe blockage, resulting in decompression decompression valve weaken or fail. This is extremely harmful to the district pipe network, in particular, many ultra-pressure water equipment may arise due to burst pipes, must be promptly repaired.  proportional (piston type) Valve body suction holes on the permeability, such as there is more than trickle down, indicating that a few files on the spool O-ring has been worn, it is necessary to replace seals. However, decompression component disassembly when repairs should be careful and meticulous exchange within the seals; clean up debris, they should make the best use, do not use metal rods, a hard valve stem pry the activities of parts, using wooden hammer and wooden percussion vibration, valve slowly dismantling the internal parts. After the repair reinstall, make sure you and valves on the flow of instructions consistent.  (6) Note check the proportional pressure reducing valve is installed. High-level position within the valve designed and installed wrong, there will be pressure reducing valve after the valve fluctuated, pipe network pressure deviation from the allowable range, with the destruction of showers, water pipes burst and damage to water meters and other user incidents; sometimes water will be poor, sub-district emerged the phenomenon of irregular without water, affecting the user of water. A similar incident occurs, check the decompression valve area water supply system as a whole will no doubt point to speak of; removal filter valve components, such as there is no anomaly; Some even suspect that the property management unit of the technical performance of valve many times the new exchange valve, but also solve the problem. Then check the proportional valve can be designed and installed location is a reasonable start to seriously examine the existence of pipe network systems such as digital inverted siphon phenomenon, that is similar to partition the output of pipeline elevation. Such cases in the main, the Deputy House the same roof water tanks, water supply system under a very vulnerable. Found that these problems could be considered proportional pressure reducing valve installation position increased by one level (not to mention too high, we must show consideration for sub-zone pressure water equipment specifications); also be in the main, the Deputy buildings and set of two independent proportional pressure reducing valve water supply system.  Recently, we encountered a 28-story high-rise buildings (two buildings, residential and commercial office, entertainment and dining into an integrated floor) of the water supply problem, there are several vertical water district for more than an accident, prompting the design units and the property management department racked their brains. We raised a layer of valve components, the problem will be solved, as shown in Figure 1 (such a failure generally occurs in static pressure water supply system).  Figure 1 location of valves designed and installed to improve (7) Note that the sewage system. High-rise building fire hydrant water supply system, pipe network, sprinkler head pipe network is a roof water tanks - fire mains - stock tube (fire hydrant, sprinkler head - at the end of ring mains - fire pump - into the pump interface) composed of a closed ring. Usually within a body of water pipe network in a quiescent state (in addition to detection of water distribution outside the administration), roof water tanks at the bottom of the dirt and impurities deposited into the cis-cited fire tube, and deposited in the Central part of U-tube, pipe network poor so that many buildings in the fire protection system Detection of intermittent tests have to start, and sometimes row End tube dregs take dozens of minutes. Even if the fire pump can be forced to start, but the set in the pipe-line components are also many types of decompression in a pool of stagnant water due to the long-term environment, can not function properly. Therefore, management must develop a system, open fire stock pipe connecting the bottom of the pipe to the sewage discharge valve completely rule out the second half of the deposition of dirt ring; for the sprinkler system installed in the partition test drain valve, the same sub-drainage to be rotated. The cycle is generally 3 months is appropriate, and only high-rise building fire on the pipeline network of scientific management, in order to make the fire fulfilling its functions effectively guaranteed.  3 and high-rise building fire water supply system related to the basic management requirements  (1) the current high-rise building fire water storage and life generally used in the same tank, but living water in the upper water storage tank, fire water storage tanks at the bottom. YAM fire water through the cistern siphon life to the full flow of water so as to achieve cleaning effect. Affected by water micro-organisms multiply and metal tube immersed in the role of water corrosion, high siphon, low siphon is very easy to plug the hole. When the siphon holes are blocked, while living temporarily in short supply water, fire water storage will shun cited out and can not guarantee its storage in. In the event of "in case" event, with unpredictable consequences. Therefore, management should not overlook the work of siphon holes testing clear. Approach is to use custom soldering iron remove the small opening in the dirt and rust stains. This will not only ensure that the fire water storage not a stagnant water, drinking water from pollution, but also to ensure the fire of the prepared water.  (2) For the fire inside the pipe-flow valve, in particular the roof tank fire hose access to the first ring is only a single flow valve, it is easy to appear stuck phenomenon has happened has been more than plastic bags, rope wrapped around live events, so check its functionality is very important. Application of decompression orifice or restrictor of fire-fighting system, they often also pay close attention to its maintenance overhaul.  (3) Check the fire pump power supply and work to detect the fire standby power-switch switching system, to determine their work status, technical performance are normal. In the fire detection system management, multi-station fire pump is equipped with electrical and mechanical devices (detection, security, display, signal, etc.) should be rotated to start, run, do against danger, sure.


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