“帕客”网络新词用英语怎么说?_中国帕客群:帕客运动,低碳生活帕客 ...



The Chinese term “pake”(handkerchiefer) became popular after one of China's online messaging service providers launched a handkerchief design campaign last year to encourage the use of handkerchiefs to protect the environment. The winner will be called a "handkerchief advocator," as it refers to green consumers who prefer to use handkerchiefs instead of throw-away paper tissues in support of low-carbon life.


Under the circumstance of financial crisis, using less tissue means saving more money. With the same price of 2 Yuan, a tissue could only cover one day need, but a handkerchief can be reused for at least one year. Therefore, it is fair to say a handkerchief itself is a green carrier of energy conservation and emission reduction.


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