茶鱼Apple生活» coconutBattery 2.6.6 Mac笔记本电池工具

coconutBattery是一种工具,读出你的笔记本电脑的数据电池(的iBook / Powerbook等)。 It gives you live feedback, what’s going on in your battery (not only a snapshot like other tools).它给你住的反馈,正在发生的事情在你的电池(不只是像其他工具的快照)。
It shows the current charge of your battery as well as the current maximum capacity related to its original.这表明了电流充电电池以及目前的{zd0}容量与它的原始。 If coconutBattery detects that you have connected the wrong charger (ie an ibook-charger plugged in a powerbook) it will warn you!如果coconutBattery检测到您已经连接了错误的充电器(即一iBook的充电器插入的PowerBook),它会警告你! That’s a cool feature!这是一个很酷的功能!

Of course you are able to save the current maximum capacity of your battery – with just one click!当然,你可以节省你的电池目前的{zg}容量 – 只需点击一下鼠标! coconutBattery uses Apple’s new and really powerful technology named “CoreData” to realize that. coconutBattery使用苹果公司新的,真正强大的技术名为“CoreData”实现的。

Finally coconutBattery calculates the age of your Mac exactly!{zh1}coconutBattery计算你的Mac的年龄正好! So you can derive the age of your battery.所以你可以推导出你的电池老化。 And last but not least: coconutBattery is Universal Binary (you can run it on Intel-Macs! – cool!) and it is complete localizable!{zh1}但并非最不重要的:coconutBattery是通用二进制(你可以运行它在Intel – Mac电脑! – 冷静!),这是xx本地化的!

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