
新年伊始,长江口青草沙水源地原水工程传来捷报:经过工程建设各方近22个月的协同奋战,工程的“主动脉”―――原水过江管输水隧道实现全线贯通,比原计划提前了60天。这是继去年年初青草沙水库龙口成功合龙后,这项工程取得的又一个重大突破,不仅为工程的全面推进打下坚实基础,也为虎年新春献上了一份厚礼。上海市委副书记、市长韩正为此专门给工程建设指挥部发去贺信。 另据记者从城投总公司和青草沙公司了解到,从青草沙水库至浦东五号沟泵站,包括长兴岛域管线、长江过江管和浦东连接管在内总共近14公里长的输水隧道东线,也已于去年底全线贯通,为实现2010年内部分通水的目标创造了有利条件。 被誉为“百年民生工程”、深受市民xx的青草沙水源地原水工程,包括青草沙水库及取水输泵闸工程、长江原水输水隧道工程、陆域输水管线及增压泵站工程等三大主体工程,工程自2007年6月启动建设,计划于今年年内投入运行。 长江过江管双线输水隧道每条内径5.84米,长度为7.2千米,日输水能力超过700万立方米,工程采用盾构法施工一次过江,是目前世界上最长的中等直径超长距离盾构法隧道工程之一,相比大口径的长距离隧道建设施工,它的难度更高、风险更大。工程参建单位克服了超深基坑工作、超长距离运输、超长距离通风、超长距离施工精度测量等难题,从2008年4月{dy}台盾构开始推进到双线贯通,用时不到22个月,同时确保了工程的质量和安全。国内外有关专家认为,工程创造了世界范围内同等项目中的一项{sjj}纪录。 据悉,青草沙工程的其他项目目前进展顺利:水库大堤护坡已经完工,输水水闸将于4月底具备输水条件;五号沟泵站已完成结构封底,泵房和各路管线输水阀门的土建工作正在有条不紊地推进;陆域管线中,金海支线已于去年底全线贯通,严桥支线将在今年3月底全线贯通。 地理位置青草沙水源地位于长江口南北港分流口下方,长兴岛头部和北部外侧的中央沙、青草沙以及北小泓、东北小泓等水域。 供水范围青草沙水源地供水范围为杨浦、虹口、闸北、黄浦、卢湾、静安、长宁、徐汇、浦东和原南汇区的全部以及宝山、普陀、崇明、青浦和闵行5个区县的部分地区。建成后的青草沙大型水库,即便在长江口咸潮期,也可在最长连续68天不取水的情况下正常供水,其供水规模将占全上海原水供应的50%以上。

“ Cross-river water supply raw water pipes run through the tunnel ahead of schedule in February across the board structure has been completed on the 5th groove back cover pump station”是由提供的国际水泵新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国磁力泵网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。


Beginning of this year, the Yangtze River Estuary grass sand water sources of raw water project came Herald: After construction of the parties to nearly 22 months of collaborative hard work, the project "aorta" --- the raw water pipe water conveyance tunnel to achieve cross-river link up across the board, than the original 60 days ahead of schedule. This is the beginning of last year, following the success of grass-sand reservoir Longkou closure, after the project has achieved a major breakthrough, not only for the project to lay a solid foundation for comprehensively pushing forward, but also for Chinese New Year Year of the Tiger presented a generous gift. Deputy secretary of Shanghai Municipal Committee, Mayor Han Zheng, specially to the construction headquarters and sent a congratulatory message. According to another reporter from the city corporation and grass sand casting companies have found that, from the grass-sand reservoir to Pudong on the 5th groove pumping station, including the Changxing Island field pipelines, the Yangtze River in Pudong across the river connecting pipes and tubes, including a total of nearly 14 kilometers of transmission water tunnel eastern front, but also link up across the board late last year, in order to pass the water to achieve part of the year 2010 created favorable conditions for the goal. Hailed as "a hundred years the people's livelihood projects" of great public concern grass sand water source of raw water projects, including the grass sand reservoir and water pump brake works, the Yangtze River water supply raw water tunnel project, Terrestrial water pipelines and booster pump station project other three main works, since June 2007 to start building, scheduled to go into operation this year. Two-lane crossing the river, the Yangtze River water conveyance tunnel tube diameter of 5.84 meters per length of 7.2 km, Japanese water capacity of more than 7 million cubic meters, engineering, construction method using a shield across the river, is the medium diameter of the world's longest ultra-long shield tunnel project is one, compared with large-diameter long-distance tunnel construction works, and its more difficult, more at risk. Project Participation units to overcome the ultra-deep excavation work, ultra-long-distance transport, ultra-long-distance ventilation, ultra-long haul construction of precision measurement challenges, from April 2008 began to advance to the first shield wire run through, with time Less than 22 months, while ensuring quality and safety of the project. Domestic and foreign experts believe that the project has created the world the same project a world-class records. It is reported that grass sand on other projects are now progressing smoothly: Reservoir embankment slope protection have been completed, water gates will be the end of April with water conditions; pumping station has been completed on the 5th groove structure of the back cover, pumping stations, water pipelines, and separate ways valve The construction work is to promote an orderly manner; terrestrial pipeline, Gimhae Extension Completed late last year, Yan Bridge Extension will be Completed by the end of March this year. Grass sand source location is located in the Yangtze River estuary mouth beneath the North Hong Kong diversion, Changxing Island and northern parts of the lateral head of the central sand, sand and grass north of small wang, and other waters of the Northeast Kobuchi. Water supply coverage, water supply and water supply sand grass range Yangpu, Hongkou, Zhabei, Huangpu, Luwan, Jing'an, Changning, Xuhui, Pudong, Nanhui District, and the original of all, as well as Baoshan, Putuo, Chongming, Qingpu and Minhang districts and counties of the 5 parts. After the completion of the grass-sand large reservoirs, even in the Yangtze River estuary salt tide period, but also the longest consecutive 68 days in the case of non-water and normal water supply, its size will supply the raw water supply in Shanghai accounted for more than 50%.

郑重声明:资讯 【原水过江管输水隧道提前2月全线贯通五号沟泵站已完成_磁力泵_新浪博客】由 发布,版权归原作者及其所在单位,其原创性以及文中陈述文字和内容未经(企业库qiyeku.com)证实,请读者仅作参考,并请自行核实相关内容。若本文有侵犯到您的版权, 请你提供相关证明及申请并与我们联系(qiyeku # qq.com)或【在线投诉】,我们审核后将会尽快处理。
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