Pu summary of many years of Gan (3) - ysl26092 - ysl26092 - 和讯博客
Pu summary of many years of Gan (3) [原创 2010-02-10 00:10:34]   
Pu group tonight ares ares days of bar?? But those days are repetitive pump?? Particularly not impressed by??
Acridine is going to drink every night to drink?? The only advantage is that regardless of how Pu? Anyway, some people will organize activities?? Renpei will be arranged for you to play??
and then play it crazy?? are a bundle of a bundle of P,??? I remember one occasion to help a group of the main fish drank a bundle? results of stomach pain at night to acridine?? So from then on I will no longer be a hero to save beautiful???,, or beauty itself self-help,, right? Hehe?
time to know the main group of acridine 2CY ho?? ? a good person???
I remember that time, there is a 2 gal homes?? another group's main Pu Wang??
time are Pu FN's??
Pu to Later, a certain period of time was bonny Athenagoras to the adult Pu France???
Hehe?? which involved characters: cc3. . bonny?? K??? Hehe?? specific content skip??
Anyway,, I was a pure child pull?? the worst is cc3???
later converted back to Jaipur??? is RAY's home to the South China Sea singleline to play?? But the other side?? are ray Colombian woman out of their own to bring their own to us?? and then filling our beer?? bonny brother to go How many times?? on down How many times?? ? I did not pour too acridine ~ ~ 哈哈
so again over a period of time?? 相关的主题文章:
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