潜水泵的选型常识- cilibengwang - 博客大巴
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    建筑物内使用的排水泵有潜水排污泵,液下排污泵、立式污水泵和卧式污水泵等。由于建筑物内一般场地较小,排水量不大,排水泵可优先采用潜水排污泵和液下排污泵,其中液下排污泵一般在重要场所使用;立式污水泵和卧式污水泵要求设置隔震基础、自灌式吸水、并占用一定的场地,故在建筑中较少使用。 排污泵的流量应按生活排水设计秒流量选定;当有排水量调节时,可按生活排水{zd0}小时流量选定。消防电梯集水池内排水泵流量不小于10L/s。 排污泵的扬程按提升高度、管道损失计算确定后,再附加一定的自由水头。自由水头宜采用0.02~0.03MPa。排污泵吸水管和出水管流速不应小于0.7m/s,并不宜大于2.0m/s。 公共建筑内应以每个生活排水集水池为单元设置一台备用泵,平时宜交互运行。地下室、设备机房、车库冲洗地面的排水,如有两台及两台以上排水泵时可不设备用泵。当集水池无法设事故排水管时,水泵应有不间断的动力供应;当能关闭排水进水管时,可不设不间断动力供应,但应设置报警装置。 当提升带有较大杂质的污、废水时,不同集水池内的潜水排污泵出水管不应合并排出;当提升一般废水时,可按实际情况考虑不同集水池的潜水排污泵出水管合并排出。 两台或两台以上的水泵共用一条出水管时,应在每台水泵出水管上装设阀门和止回阀。单台水泵排水有可能产生倒灌时,应设止回阀。不允许压力排水关与建筑内重力排水管合并排出。 当潜水排污泵提升含有大块杂物时,潜水排污泵宜带有粉碎装置;当提升含较多纤维物污水时,宜采用大通道潜水排污泵。 当潜水排污泵电机功率大于等于7.5kW或出水口管径大于等于DN100时,可采用水泵固定自耦装置;当潜水排污泵电机功率小于7.5kW或出水口管径小于DN100时,可设软管移动式安装。污水集水池采用潜水排污泵排水时,应设水泵固定自耦装置,方便水泵检修。 排水泵应能自动启停和现场手动启停。多台水泵可并联交替运行,也可分段投入运行。

    “ Submersible Pump Selection of common sense”是由提供的国际水泵新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国磁力泵网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。

    The exclusive use of the building pumps are submersible sewage pump, liquid sewage pump, vertical sewage pumps and horizontal sewage pumps. As the building site in general smaller, a displacement of little priority to the use submersible drainage pump can be submerged sewage pumps and sewage pumps, in which liquid sewage pump an important place in general use; vertical horizontal water pumps and sewage pumps require traps Zhen-based, self-filling-type absorbent, and occupied a certain space, and therefore used less in construction. Sewage pump flow should be the design life of the drainage flow of the selected seconds; When there is a displacement of regulation, the maximum hours of drainage flow of life can be selected. Fire elevator sump pumps flow within the row is not less than 10L / s. Sewage pump lift by lift height, pipe loss calculation determined, and then add a certain degree of freedom head. Free-head should adopt the 0.02 ~ 0.03MPa. Sewage pump suction pipe and outlet pipe flow of not less than 0.7m / s, and should not be greater than 2.0m / s. Public buildings should be set for each life of the drainage basin as a unit set up a spare pump, usually advised to run interactively. Basement, equipment room, garage, wash the soil drainage, if two and two or more drainage pump device pumps may from time to time. When the sump drain the accident can not be located, the pump should have uninterrupted power supply; when to close the drainage into the water pipes, it may from time to set up uninterrupted power supply, but it should set the alarm device. When the upgrade of impurities with a large sewage, waste water, different sump pump outlet pipe inside the submersible sewage discharges should not be merged; as upgrade their wastewater, according to the actual situation in the different sets of diving sewage pump tank outlet pipe combined discharge. Two or more pumps share one outlet pipe should be installed on each pump valve and check valve on the outlet pipe. A single pump drainage may produce flow backward when the check valve should be set up. Not allowed to drain off the pressure within the gravity drainage combined with the construction discharges. When the submersible sewage pump upgrade contains a large piece of debris, the submersible sewage pump with appropriate crush device; when upgrading of sewage containing many fibers, it is desirable using a large channel submersible sewage pump. When the submersible sewage pump motor power of 7.5kW or greater than or equal greater than or equal DN100 outlet pipe when the pump can be used fixed auto-installation; When the submersible sewage pump motor power of 7.5kW or less than the outlet pipe diameter is less than DN100, the hose can be installed mobile installation. Sewage sump drainage using submersible sewage pump, the pump should be set a fixed auto installation, convenient pump maintenance. Drainage pump should be able to automatic start and stop and on-site to manually start and stop. Multiple pumps can be run in parallel alternately can also be sub-operational.


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