销售统计SQL - 911 - 博客园
select a.date as '日期',sum(a.je) as '销售额'  from (select (productnum*paid) as je,convert(varchar(100),orders.act_time5,23)  as date from orders where state=5
and act_time5>='2010-02-12 00:01' and act_time5<='2010-02-21 23:59'
select (productnum*paid) as je,convert(varchar(100),orders_err.act_time5,23)  as date from orders_err where state=5
and act_time5>='2010-02-12 00:01' and act_time5<='2010-02-21 23:59') as a group by a.date order by a.date asc
select a.date as '日期',count(a.goods) as '订单数'  from (select distinct goods,convert(varchar(100),orders.act_time5,23)  as date from orders where state=5
and act_time5>='2010-02-12 00:01' and act_time5<='2010-02-21 23:59'
select distinct goods,convert(varchar(100),orders_err.act_time5,23)  as date from orders_err where state=5
and act_time5>='2010-02-12 00:01' and act_time5<='2010-02-21 23:59') as a group by a.date order by a.date asc
select a.date as '日期',sum(a.je) as '销售额'  from (select distinct goods,actfee as je,convert(varchar(100),orders.act_time5,23)  as date from orders where state=5
and act_time5>='2010-02-12 00:01' and act_time5<='2010-02-21 23:59'
select distinct goods,actfee as je,convert(varchar(100),orders_err.act_time5,23)  as date from orders_err where state=5
and act_time5>='2010-02-12 00:01' and act_time5<='2010-02-21 23:59') as a group by a.date order by a.date asc

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