先5讲剧情,单单就系个名都知道系同宗教有关。系未看之前,一直都好好奇,点解距会被定为R级。甚至会有观众,不堪耶稣受刑的画面而心脏病突发,{zh1}死在医院。。。 系影片的开头,先系一段耶稣心理变化:暗蓝色的夜幕下耶稣被惊醒,震惊、失望,接着坦然、宽容,默默束手被擒。 当耶稣被压往审批时,被魔鬼所迷惑的民众、祭司、士兵们所变现出黎的狰狞面目不惊使人胆战心惊。。。当总督将已经被鞭打得遍体鳞伤的耶稣带到群众面前,希望距地放过耶稣时。祭司竟然选择释放罪大恶极的xx犯都要鼓动民众杀害耶稣黎保护自己的主。。。 当罗马人用铁链绑住耶稣的手脚,把他押往宣判场的时候,成群的犹太人涌了出来,他们向耶稣扔着石块吐着唾沫。疯狂的人们,在罗马人宣布耶稣绞刑后群起欢呼…… 耶稣扛着沉重的厚木十字架,蹒跚地走过耶路撒冷的街巷,他不时摔倒在地上,市民们更加疯狂地向他涌来,发泄他们肆无忌惮的无知与怨恨。在人群的末尾,抹大拉的玛丽亚痛苦地看看着背负十字架的耶稣,遍体伤痕血迹斑斑慢慢地走向执行绞刑的山坡,她的眼里充满了绝望。 当圣水从手缝里流下来,沙石在风里幻化成尘埃,铁锤高高地举起,一锤锤砸击在十字架上。套上铁刺头罩的耶稣无声承受着死亡前{zh1}的痛苦…… 长铁钉刺进了左手手腕,长铁钉刺进了右手手腕,长铁钉打进了左脚脚腕,长铁钉打进了右脚脚腕。鲜血从钉孔里流出来,流过血迹模糊的皮肤,滴落进泥土,每一滴都声震天宇。 天上乌云翻滚,吞噬着每一块白色的缝隙,圣母玛丽娅眼角滑下一行浊泪,流出一脸的沉痛。山坡上一片静默,那用已经消失的语言唱出的歌声,缭绕着这里的每一粒空气……
有意思的系,呢出电影用的5系英文,而系使用了两种已经失传很久的语言:亚拉姆语和拉丁语。 所以,系观众听5明白对白,光靠演员演技同埋视觉效果的呢出电影的震撼力可想而知。。。
【精彩对白】 Satan: Do you really believe that one man can bear the full burden of sin? 撒旦:你真的相信一个人可以xx忍受承担罪恶而带来的痛苦吗? Jesus: Shelter Me, O, Lord. I trust in you. In you I take refuge. 耶稣:保护我,我的主。我相信你。在你这里我得到庇护。 Satan: No one man can carry this burden, I tell you. It is far too heavy. Saving their souls is too costly. No-one. Ever. No. Never. 撒旦:没有人能承担这个,我告诉你。它要沉重得多。挽救他们的灵魂代价太高了。没有人。曾经。没有人。永远。 Jesus: Father, Y-you can do all things. If it is possible, let this chalice pass from me... But let your will be done, not mine. 耶稣:父亲,你可以做任何事情。如果有可能,把这个圣杯从我身边拿走...但是由你来完成,而不是我。 Satan: Who is your father? Who are you? 撒旦:谁是你的父亲?xxx? Jesus: You are My friends. There is no greater love than for a man to lay down his life for his friends. I cannot be with you much longer, My friends. You cannot go where I am going. My commandment to you after I am gone is this: Love one another. As I have loved you, so love one another. 耶稣:你是我的朋友。没有比为了朋友而舍弃生命再伟大的爱。我不能和你在一起很久,我的朋友。你不能去我去的地方。我走了之后你要遵守的戒律是:像我爱你一样去爱别人。 Jesus: You have heard it said you shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy. But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you. For if you love only those who love you, what reward is there in that? 耶稣:你听说过应该爱自己的邻居而仇恨自己的敌人。但我告诉你,爱你的敌人并为迫害你的人祈祷。因为如果你只爱爱你的人,那么会有什么报答? Caiphas: They say you're a king. Where is this kingdom of yours? What line of kings do you descend from? Speak up! You're just the son of some obscure carpenter, no? Some say you're Elijah, but he was carried off to Heaven in a chariot! Why don't you say something? You've been brought here as a blasphemer! What do you say to that? Defend yourself. Caiphas:他们说你是王。你的王国在哪里?你又是从哪个血脉继承下来的?大声说出来!你不过是卑微的木匠之子,不是吗?他们说你是利亚,但他已经乘着战车上了天堂!你为什么不说话?你被当作亵渎者带到这!你怎么说?为你自己辩护吧。 Annas: Yes, we'll listen to those that have heard your blashpemies. Good! Let's hear them! 亚那:是的,我们将听到你的亵渎行径。好!说吧! Accuser: He cures the sick by magic! With the help of devils! I've seen it. He casts out devils, with the help of devils. 原告:他用魔法治病!在魔鬼的帮助下!我看见了。他在魔鬼的帮助下驱散魔鬼。 Accuser: He calls himself the King of the Jews! 原告:他称自己为犹太人的王! Accuser: No, he calls himself the Son of God! He said he would destroy the Temple and rebuild it in three days! 原告:不,他称自己为神的儿子!他说他会在3天内毁掉神殿再在3天内重建神殿! Accuser: Worse! He claims he's the Bread of Life! And if we don't eat his flesh or drink his blood we won't inherit eternal life. 原告:还有更糟的!他说他是生命之粮!如果我们不吃他的肉不喝他的血,我们就不会有来世。 Caiphas: Silence! You're all under this man's spell. Either offer proof of his wrongdoing or be quiet! Caiphas:安静!你们都中了这个人的魔咒。每个人都是他作恶的证据,安静!