More regulation and control more real estate prices from ...

If a system is only so strong as a minority group of government and real estate developers blindly “big fortune”, and so are most of the real owner of land and damage consumer interests, are not worthy of reflection? However, the current “real estate macro control,” the real priority of governments at various levels, rather than developers, not buyers. If you can not use administrative means and legal means — in the sequence where there is no “market-oriented means” to speak of the government in the real estate chain link enormous benefits cut off, it will be impossible to achieve expected “control purposes”, it would be difficult to get out, “the more the more price-control” of the cycle.

classical economics of the land, labor and capital production of the three elements of doctrine, not only classical, but “this Code.” Similar to “Land is the mother of wealth, labor is the father of wealth,” so vivid and full of simple philosophical discourse, but the implication is the real long-term thinking. Land in production and accumulation of wealth in the process of the importance of not being in today’s “emerging Canadian Transition” China’s most vividly embody it?

look at the endless stream of “Fortune list” of “first”, the number of real estate is started and how many people’s wealth is based on the real estate empire for the most the core of the weapon, they will understand why the classical economists always the first to land as a factor of production. We are now re-look at the various levels of local government finance, “Land of financial” without exception, has become the distinctive characteristics. This shows that this land has become a very small number of “capable” with the Government’s way of making money and lifeblood.

However, the vast majority of land in urban and rural areas has become the current burden on the livelihood of ordinary people and wealth “reducer.” This focus on performance in the rapid rise in housing prices, the rising rate of its residents far more than the growth rate of disposable income; the high cost of home buyers, with the residents than the average annual income is also far higher than the world average. In recent years the central government repeatedly “macro-economic adjustment,” It is regrettable, however, the more “control” rather than the more housing prices rise, the more real estate investment growth.

Why is this so? May wish to analyze the entire real estate industry chain. In the main parties, including farmers, villages and towns administrative organizations and their rulers, local government, real estate developers, home buyers, the biggest profit is the local government, followed by real estate developers, towns and villages executive power once again, farmers and the interests of home buyers is impaired. The surface of the mechanism of which is the major cost of housing on the ground outside the building in the land, the developer of the high land costs in terms of exactly what the huge local government land revenue, which monopolized the real estate market, land supply, They will sell land for the same price difference between a very low price from farmers to almost forcibly collected; even less than the local government land revenue 2% of the “compensation”, but also the great majority of all kinds names and channels falling into the hands of the village administrative organizations and their hands of those in power, the farmers lost their land have become “three noes,” and this has become like a wildfire, “real estate fever” in the interests of the biggest losers; huge amounts of local government land transfer income and real estate developers of high profits, and finally as the town of ordinary working-class home buyers to pay.

go deeper look, it is due to the current land system — me in this column have been analyzed through several essays. The main features of this system is that national ownership of urban land, rural land is collectively owned, regardless of who owned the land for housing construction by the Government must first concentrate on, through “招拍linked” to the development of such means as selling providers, to finally land for construction purposes; in particular, agricultural land, local governments not to cross directly into the market transactions. Thus, local government monopolized the land market. When there is only one provider, and limited supply, coupled with local government “with the times” to be “in accordance with the market economic laws,” wantonly implementation of the “transfer of market-oriented approach”, this land auction sale prices can not be恶炒to heaven?

do not know how to official data, from the media coverage and general estimation, the only country in 2006 at all levels of government “land income” amounted to 1 trillion yuan, equivalent to a total of 4 trillion yuan & ldquo ; budget “a quarter of the national fiscal revenue. According to some provinces and cities to the information received, I am afraid that this figure is still very conservative estimate, some cities in the “land income” almost in its “budget” half of fiscal revenue. But worrying is not included in the annual official “budget” of such a large “land income” is how to spend? Which level of government have specific announcements to the community? Similarly, if there “is not equivalent to the whole people but” the 1 trillion yuan, “the profits of state-owned enterprises”, in 2006 there are at least 2 trillion yuan of wealth to spend, have never been a clear public statement, let alone to consider what kind of society and has overseen. Conversely, if governments at all levels of “social security” does not have enough input, the vast majority of people are most concerned about “social security” is still stuck in “看不起病, can not afford to go places,养不起old” whirlpool, then we from the real “public finances” on the far.

think about is, in the face of such a large “land income”, the local government, how can the demand side does not want to warm? Hope that this is how real estate prices do not rise forever? How can tolerate rural land without a local government to “assemble transformation sell” and go directly to market transactions and directly above launching the so-called “small property room,” then? So people have seen a number of local governments under the pretext of not only the name of all kinds to all kinds of openly on behalf of a variety of measures to combat and to clamp down on this so that ordinary farmers and buyers to benefit from the “small property room,” and to find to support a variety of so-called theory of why the prohibition of “agricultural land directly into the market.” The problem is, if a system only allows a small number of powerful groups as the Government and the real estate developers blindly “big fortune”, and so are most of the real owner of land and damage consumer interests, are not worthy of reflection?

Seen in this light, the current “real estate macro control,” the real priority of governments at various levels, rather than developers, not buyers; difficult is precisely what “The Government self-control. ” So, if he can not use administrative means and legal means — in the sequence where there is no “market-oriented means” to speak of the government in the real estate chain link enormous benefits cut off, there likely to achieve the desired “control purposes”, it would be difficult to get out, “the more the more price-control” of the cycle.

However, at every turn on the “control” with the main non-governmental market accustomed to self-base for the object of his government, all of a sudden its “self-regulation”, easier said than done? Enterprise management theory and experience has proved time and again, “manager of self-management” is the most difficult. However, all outstanding enterprises, managers are to be “self-management” before the first important position, but also spend the most time and are doing the best. Some experts statistics, outstanding enterprises, the general managers come up with about 40% of the time and energy “self-management.” In fact, the reason is simple, a lazy even have their own poor management or management of a bad person, how to manage others and a team does? This reasoning applies equally to the Government’s social management and “macro-economic adjustment.”

Therefore, from the current “real estate macro-control” analysis of a series of phenomena, we see that the effective “government self-regulation” is the “macro-control,” a prerequisite for effective , more often the “macro-control” is actually “The Government of self-regulation and control.”

is our fervent hope that all levels of government to spend more time and energy to “self-management.”

Chinese version:越调控越涨价 从房地产调控看政府自我调控之难














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