未满周岁的宝宝喘鸣« BABY宝宝百科


医院儿科门诊中,每天都碰到一些因咳嗽来就诊的宝宝,家长反映说,宝宝咳嗽已一个多月了,咳嗽多在夜间或凌晨,呈阵发性,无气喘及发热,胸部X线摄片及血液检查均无明显异常,先后使用多种xxx及止咳药,效果都不明显。以往这部分病儿常被诊断为“感冒”或“xxxx”。近年来随着医学事业的不断发展,国内外学者发现,这些病儿可能患了过敏性咳嗽,临床上称为咳嗽变异性xx,它是一种以咳嗽为主要临床表现的隐匿性xx。 目前有数据显示,工业化明显的城市、沿海发达地区的过敏性咳嗽的患者逐年增加,说明环境对过敏性咳嗽的影响非常明显。



1。xx时间:根据粗略统计显示,基本控制住病情的时间和比例如下:4-6个月能基本控制住病情的约占30% 7-12个月能基本控制住病情的约占50% 1-2年能基本控制住病情的约占10% 2年以上能基本控制住病情的约占10%。(基本控制住病情,不代表宝宝xx痊愈,只是一次患病后xx到基本不咳嗽的时间)。所以父母们要有一定心理准备。
xx药: ①糖皮质xx 强的松 布的奈德
②抗白三烯 扎鲁司特 齐留通
③炎症介质阻释药 色甘酸钠 酮替芬
④炎症介质拮抗剂 非索非那定
支气管扩张药: ①β2 受体激动剂 特布他林 沙美特罗
②黄嘌呤类 氨茶碱
③抗胆碱药 异丙阿托品
宝宝百部止咳糖浆、川贝枇杷糖浆、川贝雪梨膏、小青龙合剂、消咳喘糖浆、宝宝咳喘颗粒、小青龙颗粒、固本咳喘片。。。 等。


experts, Hello! My baby is now more than seven months, since more than three hours on a cough after the trigger asthmatic bronchitis, and now their children cough on a cold, a cough to asthma, mainly when the morning to get up song throat breath, and sometimes bending the body bad breath will be a Two, after the sound. I would like to ask you this is asthma? Should be how to treat?

It should be such a small child asthma糼you should not really breathe, you can take a look at this, allergic cough and wheezing as if the same law rule = Oh pediatric patient in the hospital
every day to get treatment due to cough children, parents said their children had been coughing for more than a month, cough more at night or early morning, was paroxysmal, non-asthma and fever, chest X -ray and blood test were not significantly abnormal, has to use a variety of antibiotics and cough medicine, the effect is not obvious. The past, this part of the sick child is often diagnosed as “cold” or “bronchitis.” In recent years, with the continuous development of medicine, domestic and foreign scholars have found that these patients may be suffering from allergic cough, clinically known as cough variant asthma, which is a cough as the main clinical manifestation of occult asthma. At present, the data show that significantly industrialized cities of the developed coastal regions in patients with atopic cough increases every year, about environmental impact of allergic cough obvious.

prevention: prevention and treatment of allergic cough, should be a predisposing factor to avoid: Related content, are described in many articles, not repeat them here.
here to talk about the parents are concerned about the treatment: At present the medical profession on the treatment of allergic cough have a common understanding, as a result of allergic asthma cough and essentially the same, so basically the same treatment in the treatment of asthma.

Once diagnosed, parents should understand the following:
1. Treatment time: According to rough statistics show that the basic control of the time and the proportion of patients are as follows :4-6 months to the basic condition under control about 30% of 7-12 months can be the basic condition under control about 50% of 1 — 2 years to the basic condition under control about 10% more than 2 years to the basic control of about 10% condition. (Basic control condition, does not mean that the child fully recovered only after treatment of a disease to a basic time not coughing). Therefore, parents must be psychologically prepared.
2. Chinese and Western Medicine with: sick after the treatment can be targeted, do not blindly use antibiotics indiscriminately. In Western medicine with the treatment effect.
3. Drug use: the acute phase is controlled by western medicine, traditional Chinese and western medicine with remission with treatment, the treatment of western medicine, internal medicine current methods and types of medication are more consistent. Selection of Chinese medicine was used to vary the region. Western medicine
directory as follows:
anti-inflammatory drugs: ① strong glucocorticoid sumbu of budesonide
② anti-leukotriene zafirlukast zileuton resistance
③ release inflammatory mediators ketotifen disodium cromoglycate inflammatory mediators
④ antagonist fexofenadine
bronchodilator: ① β2 agonist salmeterol Sayyid he林沙 xanthine aminophylline
② category
③ anticholinergic drug atropine isopropyl
currently the most commonly used trade names such as: Singulair, Pulmicort, Ai-Chang, Merrill Lynch,西克劳,西舒the United States, the瑞坦, salbutamol, non Flanagan, Mucosolvan. . . And so on. Chinese
directory as follows:
governance are: clearing away heat and toxic, dampness spleen, kidney qi, such as cough phlegm 100
children cough syrup, Chuanbei loquat syrup, cream Chuanbei Sydney, Xiaoqinglong mixture, elimination Kechuan Syrup, children Kechuan particles Xiaoqinglong particles, Guben Kechuan Tablets. . . And so on.
a lot of new methods in various parts of the emergence of Chinese medicine, as a result of a unique method, good results have been highly regarded by many parents, but also the emergence of potential, such as: summer dog day-use paste, paste, etc. Baicao琼浆Yiqi. With the current domestic
the gradual addition of a better understanding of Chinese medicine, there have been around a lot of excellent reputation and skills of the old Chinese medicine, and their pieces are also very effective, but difficult to geographical restrictions to allow more children to use.

Or go to the hospital so that doctors now!

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