[2010.02.20] Haiti: Tarpaulin cities 防水帐篷之城- 亚非拉Asia ...
本帖{zh1}由 lilywizardry 于 2010-2-20 08:24 编辑

Haiti a month on

Tarpaulin cities

shelter is now the pressing need

Feb 18th 2010 | PORT-AU-PRINCE | From The Economist print edition

A MONTH after the catastrophic earthquake that flattened much of Haiti’s capital, Port-au-Prince, and according to the government killed perhaps 230,000 people, there has been some fragile progress. Hospitals are working, though not before thousands of survivors died of their injuries. The World Food Programme says that it has handed out a two-week supply of rice to 2.5m people in the capital and nearby areas. Most streets in Port-au-Prince have been cleared of rubble.


The immediate worry now is providing shelter robust enough to withstand the rains (and landslides) that normally begin in earnest in May, and the hurricanes that may follow from June onwards. Around 550,000 people have gathered in 337 makeshift camps; almost as many are sleeping rough. With aftershocks continuing, they are too scared to venture back into their houses even when these survived. Some have been issued with tents. But relief workers reckon that simple plastic tarpaulins, suspended on poles, are a more durable option. One says that some tarpaulins handed out after floods in 2004 are still doing duty. The plastic can later be incorporated into huts.


At a school in Bolosse, a district of Port-au-Prince, on a recent day a queue of people each emerged carrying a plastic sheet, a box of soap and other toiletries, a folded water container and, on their head, a pack of 24 one-litre bottles of water. Jean Bilda Robert, a local pastor who helped to organise this event, said it had taken weeks to prepare. The United Nations is trying to distribute tarpaulins to up to 1,500 families each day. Only occasionally are the handouts accompanied by disorder. Aid workers say that they are on target to ensure that each family has two tarpaulins by May 1st.

在太子港Bolosse街区的一所学校里,近来出现了一群人,他们每人拿着塑料板,一盒肥皂和其他的洗漱用品,一个折叠式的蓄水器,而他们的头上都顶着一件24瓶升装水。当地的牧师Jean Bilda Robert组织了此项活动,据他说这花费了数周的时间。美国正尽力每天向至多1500个当地家庭发放防水布帐篷。这些发放品一般都不会弄错。救援人员说他们现在全力保证每个家庭在5月1号之前都会有2顶防水布帐篷。

The camps are crowded, so many families cannot claim the 12 square metres that aid workers deem necessary. Tens of thousands of people are squatting on steep slopes or river beds, from which they should be moved. Haiti’s government is due to issue a map of suitable alternative sites. Some aid workers say that families should be encouraged to return to where their houses once stood.


Unless steps are quickly taken to plan and design more resilient housing, Haitians risk disaster again. The 1989 earthquake near San Francisco in California was of similar magnitude to Haiti’s but killed just 63 people, mainly because most buildings there are designed to withstand the shock. There are plenty of ideas for cheap earthquake-proofing: one is to fit rubber pads from recycled tyres between concrete blocks as shock-absorbers, says a report in Science magazine. But the government has never enforced building codes, and can hardly do so now.


Rebuilding Haiti’s homes, schools, roads and other infrastructure will take between $8 billion and $14 billion, according to an estimate by economists at the Inter-American Development Bank. A long round of donor conferences lies ahead.



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