濮?/span> 鍚嶏細搴炲皬鍏?/span>
涓?/span> 涓氾細澶ф皵鍖栧鍜屽垎鏋愬寲瀛?/span>
鑱旂郴鍦板潃锛?/span>Group of the Atmospheric Chemistry
Department of Chemistry
the University of York
YO10 5DD
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姘旈绮掔墿姹℃煋娌荤悊閲嶇偣瀹為獙瀹?/span> 璁插笀
2008骞?/span>1鏈堬紞鑷?/span> 浠婏紝 涓浗绉戝闄㈠湴鐞冨寲瀛︾爺绌舵墍 鍗氬+鍚?/span>
2009骞?/span>11鏈?/span>-鑷?/span> 浠婏紝 鑻卞浗鐨囧瀛︿細BP-Amoco 鐮旂┒鍛? 绾﹀厠澶у, 鑻卞浗
2004骞?/span>9鏈?/span>-2007骞?/span>7鏈?/span>, 涓浗绉戝闄㈢敓鎬佺幆澧冪爺绌朵腑蹇?/span>, 鑾风幆澧冪瀛﹀崥澹浣嶃€?/span>
2001骞?/span>9鏈?/span>-2004骞?/span>7鏈?/span>, 瑗垮崡澶у鐜鍖栧鐮旂┒鎵€锛岃幏鍒嗘瀽鍖栧纭曞+瀛︿綅銆?/span>
1997骞?/span>9鏈?/span>-2001骞?/span>7鏈?/span>, 瑗垮崡澶у(鍘熻タ鍗楀笀鑼冨ぇ瀛?/span>)鍖栧鍖栧伐瀛﹂櫌锛岃幏瀛﹀+瀛︿綅銆?/span>
1. 鑻卞浗鐨囧瀛︿細BP-Amoco鐮旂┒鍩洪噾锛堝叏鐞冧粎50鍚嶏級锛?/span> 6.6涓囪嫳闀戯紝璧勫姪鏃堕棿2009骞?/span>12鏈?/span>-2011骞?/span>12鏈堛€?/span>
2. 涓?st1:personname productid="鍥? w:st="on">鍥?/st1:personname>鍗氬+鍚庣瀛﹀熀閲戠壒鍒祫鍔╅」鐩紙鍏ㄥ浗浠?/span>500鍚嶏級锛?/span>椤圭洰缂栧彿锛?/span>200801270锛岃祫鍔╂椂闂达細2009骞?/span>1 鏈?/span>-2010 骞?/span>1 鏈堬紝閲戦10 涓囥€?/span>
3. 涓浗鍗氬+鍚庣瀛﹀熀閲戦潰涓婅祫鍔╅」鐩?/span>锛岃祫鍔╃紪鍙凤細20080430861锛岃祫鍔╂椂闂达細2008骞?/span>8鏈堬紞2009骞?/span>12鏈堬紝閲戦3 涓囥€?/span>
4. 璐靛窞鐪佺瀛︽妧鏈熀閲戦」鐩?/span>锛岃祫鍔╃紪鍙凤細2008GZ02725锛岃祫鍔╅噾棰?/span>3 涓囥€?/span>
1. Xiaobing Pang, Xinqing Lee, Temporal variations of atmospheric carbonyls in urban ambient air and street canyons of a Mountainous city in Southwest China, Atmospheric Environment(under 2nd revision)
2. Xiaobing Pang, Yujing Mu, Xinqing Lee, et al., Nitric oxides and nitrous oxide fluxes from typical vegetables cropland in China: Effect of canopy, soil properties and field management. Atmospheric Environment, 2009, 43, 2571-2578.
3. Xiaobing Pang, Yujing Mu, Xinqing Lee, et al., Contribution of isoprene to formaldehyde and ozone formation based on its oxidation products measurement in Beijing, China. Atmospheric Environment, 2009, 43, 2142-2147.
4. Xiaobing Pang, Yujing Mu, Xinqing Lee, et al., Influences of meteorological conditions on ambient air carbonyls in Beijing, China. Atmospheric Researcher, 2009, 93, 913-919.
5. Xiaobing Pang, Yujing Mu, Juan Yuan, Hong He, Carbonyls Emission from Ethanol-blended Gasoline and Biodiesel-ethanol-diesel Used in Gasoline and Diesel Engines, Atmospheric Environment, 2008, 42, 1349–1358. (浠栧紩娆℃暟锛?娆?/span>).
6. Yujing Mu*, Xiaobing Pang, Jianlong Quan, Xiaoshan Zhang, Atmospheric carbonyl compounds in Chinese background area-a remote mountain of the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau, Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmosphere锛?/span>2007, 112, doi:10.1029/2006JD008211( 浠栧紩娆℃暟锛?娆?/span>)..
7. Xiaobing Pang, Yujing Mu, Characteristics of Carbonyl compounds in vehicles of Beijing city: concentrations, sources, and personal exposures, Atmospheric Environment, 2007, 41, 1819-1824. ( 浠栧紩娆℃暟锛?/span>4娆?/span>).
8. Xiaobing Pang, Yujing Mu锛?/span>Seasonal and diurnal variations of carbonyl compounds in Beijing ambient air, Atmospheric Environment, 2006, 40 6313-6320. (浠栧紩娆℃暟锛?/span>14娆?/span> ).
9. Xiaobing Pang, Xiaoyan Shi, Yujing Mu, et al., Characteristics of Carbonyl compounds emission from a diesel engine using biodiesel-ethanol-diesel as fuel, Atmospheric Environment, 2006, 40, 7057-7065. (浠栧紩娆℃暟锛?/span>18娆?/span>).
10. Xiaobing Pang, Cheng Zhi Huang, A selective and sensitive assay of berberine using total internal reflected resonance light scattering technique with fluorescein at the water/1,2-dichloro ethane interface, Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 2004, 35, 185-191 . (浠栦汉寮曠敤娆℃暟锛?/span>5娆?/span>).
11. Xiaobing Pang, Cheng Zhi Huang, Yuan Fang Li, Wei Lu, Assay of Nucleic Acids at the Water/Tetrachloromethane Interface with Cetyltrimethylammonium Bromide by Total Internal Reflected Resonance Light Scattering, Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 2003, 76, 1941-1946. (浠栧紩娆℃暟锛?/span>4娆?/span>).
12. Xiaoyan Shi, Xiaobing Pang, Yujing Mu, Hong He, et al., Emission reduction potential of using ethanol-biodiesel-diesel fuel blend on a heavy-duty diesel engine, Atmospheric Environment, 2006, 40, 2567–2574. (浠栦汉寮曠敤娆℃暟锛?/span>22娆?/span>).
13. Cheng Zhi Huang*, Xiaobing Pang, Yuan Fang Li, Yi Juan Long, A resonance light scattering ratiometry applied for binding study of organic small molecules with biopolymer, Talanta, 2006, 69, 180-186. (浠栦汉寮曠敤娆℃暟锛?/span>13娆?/span>).
14. Cheng Zhi Huang*, Xiaobing Pang, Yuan Fang Li, Determination of Heparin Using Azure B by Flow Injection Analysis鈥?/span>Resonance Light Scattering Coupled Technique, Analytical Letter, 2005, 38, 349-362. (浠栦汉寮曠敤娆℃暟锛?娆?/span>).
15. 寰愮锛?strong style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal">搴炲皬鍏?/u>锛?/strong>鐗熺帀闈欙紝鍖椾含甯傚ぇ姘斿拰闄嶉洦涓啗閰寲鍚堢墿鐨勬薄鏌撶爺绌讹紝銆婄幆澧冪瀛﹀鎶ャ€?/em>锛?/span>2006锛?/span>26(12), 1948-1954..
16. 寮犵帀娲侊紝搴炲皬鍏?/u>锛岀墴鐜夐潤锛屽寳浜競妞嶇墿鎺掓斁鐨勫紓鎴婁簩鐑澶ф皵涓敳閱涚殑璐$尞锛?strong style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal">銆婄幆澧冪瀛︺€?/em>2009,30(4).
1. 鍥藉鑷劧绉戝鍩洪噾椤圭洰“鍖楁柟鑽夊師閫€鍖栬繃绋嬩腑鍏抽敭钀ュ吇鍏冪礌娴佸け鐨勬皵浣撳湴鐞冨寲瀛︾爺绌讹紙40872212锛?/span>”锛岃礋璐d汉锛氭潕蹇冩竻銆?/span>
2. 973椤圭洰“闀挎睙銆佺彔姹熶笁瑙掓床鍦板尯鍦熷¥鍜屽ぇ姘旂幆澧冭川閲忓彉鍖栬寰嬩笌璋冩帶鍘熺悊”瀛愯棰?/span>“鍦?/span>-姘旂墿璐ㄤ氦鎹㈠強澶ф皵澶嶅悎姹℃煋瀵瑰湴琛ㄧ敓鎬佺郴缁熺殑褰卞搷锛?/span>2002CB410803锛?/span>”锛岃礋璐d汉锛氱墴鐜夐潤銆?/span>
3. 鍥藉鑷劧绉戝鍩洪噾椤圭洰“鐩嗘牻妞嶇墿瀵瑰鍐呭吀鍨嬫尌鍙戞€ф湁鏈哄寲鍚堢墿鐨勫噣鍖栧拰鏈虹悊鐮旂┒” 锛堟壒鍑嗗彿40745027锛岃礋璐d汉锛氬垬鑹宠強锛夈€?/span>
4. 鍥藉鑷劧绉戝鍩洪噾椤圭洰“杩樺師鎬佺~鍖栧悎鐗╀笌OH鑷敱鍩虹殑鍙嶅簲閫熺巼甯告暟娴嬪畾”锛堟壒鍑嗗彿20677067锛岃礋鑰呬汉锛氱墴鐜夐潤锛夈€?/span>
5. 鍥藉鑷劧绉戝鍩洪噾椤圭洰“鍦熷¥鍜岄檷姘寸景鍩虹~鐨勫墠鎻愮墿鍙婂叾鍚戝ぉ鐒舵按浣撶殑杩佺Щ杞寲鏈哄埗” 锛堟壒鍑嗗彿20577064锛岃礋璐d汉锛氱墴鐜夐潤锛夈€?/span>
6. 涓浗绉戝闄㈢煡璇嗗垱鏂板伐绋嬮噸瑕佹柟鍚戦」鐩煄甯傚吀鍨嬬┖姘旀薄鏌撴簮鎺掓斁鎺у埗鎶€鏈?/span>(鎵瑰噯鍙?/span>KZCX3-SW-430锛岃礋璐d汉锛氱墴鐜夐潤)銆?/span>
7. 鍥藉鑷劧绉戝鍩洪噾椤圭洰“娑叉恫鐣岄潰鍒嗗瓙瑁呴厤浣撶殑鍏夎氨琛ㄥ緛鍙婂師浣嶅厜鏁e皠鎴愬儚鎶€鏈?/span>”锛堟壒鍑嗗彿锛?/span>20275032锛岃礋璐d汉锛氶粍鎵垮織锛夈€?/span>