
瀛﹁€呭垬寤哄浗 鍙戣〃浜? 2010-2-19 10:25:08
鍒嗙被锛氭湭鍒嗙被鈹?a href="#t1" style="color:Blue">鏌ョ湅璇勮锛? 鈹? 娴忚锛?20       鎺ㄨ崘缁欐湅鍙?/span>

2010 MCM棰樼洰



Explain the “sweet spot” on a baseball bat.

Every hitter knows that there is a spot on the fat part of a baseball bat where maximum power is transferred to the ball when hit. Why isn’t this spot at the end of the bat? A simple explanation based on torque might seem to identify the end of the bat as the sweet spot, but this is known to be empirically incorrect. Develop a model that helps explain this empirical finding.

Some players believe that “corking” a bat (hollowing out a cylinder in the head of the bat and filling it with cork or rubber, then replacing a wood cap) enhances the “sweet spot” effect. Augment your model to confirm or deny this effect. Does this explain why Major League Baseball prohibits “corking”?

Does the material out of which the bat is constructed matter? That is, does this model predict different behavior for wood (usually ash) or metal (usually aluminum) bats? Is this why Major League Baseball prohibits metal bats?




姣忎竴涓鐞冩墜閮界煡閬撳湪妫掔悆妫掓瘮杈冪矖鐨勯儴鍒嗘湁涓€涓嚮鐞冪偣锛岃繖閲屽彲浠ユ妸鎵撳嚮鐞冪殑鍔涢噺鏈€澶х▼搴﹀湴杞Щ鍒扮悆涓娿€備负浠€涔堣繖涓偣涓嶅湪妫掔悆妫掔殑鏈€鏈锛熷熀浜庡姏鐭╃殑瑙i噴鎴栬鍙互瑙i噴纭畾妫掔悆妫掔殑鏈€鏈灏辨槸鏈€浣崇殑鍑荤悆鐐癸紝浣嗘槸瀹為檯褰撲腑骞朵笉鏄繖鏍风殑銆?span style="BACKGROUND: yellow; mso-highlight: yellow">鏋勫缓涓€涓ā鍨嬪府鍔╄В閲婂疄闄呭綋涓殑杩欎釜鍙戠幇銆?/span>

鏈変竴浜涙鐞冩墜鐩镐俊鍦ㄦ渶浣冲嚮鐞冪偣娣诲厖涓婅蒋鏈ㄥ鍙互鎻愰珮鎵撳嚮鏁堟灉锛堝湪鐞冩澶撮儴鎸栦竴涓渾鏌辩姸妲斤紝濉厖涓婅蒋鏈ㄥ鎴栬€呮鐨級銆?span style="BACKGROUND: yellow; mso-highlight: yellow">杩涗竴姝ユ墿灞曟ā鍨嬬‘璁ゆ垨鑰呭惁瀹氳缁撹銆傝繖涓В閲婃槸鍚﹀彲浠ヨВ閲婁负浠€涔堟鐞冭仈鐩熷惁瀹氳繖绉嶅仛娉曘€?/span>


PROBLEM B: Criminology

In 1981 Peter Sutcliffe was convicted of thirteen murders and subjecting a number of other people to vicious attacks. One of the methods used to narrow the search for Mr. Sutcliffe was to find a “center of mass” of the locations of the attacks. In the end, the suspect happened to live in the same town predicted by this technique. Since that time, a number of more sophisticated techniques have been developed to determine the “geographical profile” of a suspected serial criminal based on the locations of the crimes.

Your team has been asked by a local police agency to develop a method to aid in their investigations of serial criminals. The approach that you develop should make use of at least two different schemes to generate a geographical profile. You should develop a technique to combine the results of the different schemes and generate a useful prediction for law enforcement officers. The prediction should provide some kind of estimate or guidance about possible locations of the next crime based on the time and locations of the past crime scenes. If you make use of any other evidence in your estimate, you must provide specific details about how you incorporate the extra information. Your method should also provide some kind of estimate about how reliable the estimate will be in a given situation, including appropriate warnings.

In addition to the required one-page summary, your report should include an additional two-page executive summary. The executive summary should provide a broad overview of the potential issues. It should provide an overview of your approach and describe situations when it is an appropriate tool and situations in which it is not an appropriate tool. The executive summary will be read by a chief of police and should include technical details appropriate to the intended audience.



1981骞?/span>Peter Sutcliffe(钀ㄥ厠鍒╁か)琚垽鍒戝洜涓轰粬鍙備笌浜嗗崄涓夎捣璋嬫潃鍜屽鍏朵粬浜虹殑鎭舵瘨鏀诲嚮銆傜缉灏忔悳绱?/span>Sutcliffe鐨勬柟娉曚箣涓€鏄彂鐜颁竴涓敾鍑讳綅缃殑“璐ㄥ績”.鏈€缁堢姱缃珜鐤戜汉鎭板ソ鐢熸椿鍦ㄨ鏂规硶棰勬祴鐨勫悓涓€涓皬闀囥€備粠閭f椂璧凤紝宸茬粡鍙戝睍鍑轰竴绯诲垪鏇村姞澶嶆潅鐨勬妧鏈敤鏉ラ娴嬪熀浜庣姱缃湴鐐圭殑鍏锋湁鍦扮悊鏁堝簲锛堝湴鐞嗚疆寤擄級鐨勭郴鍒楃姱缃涓恒€?/span>






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