销售全进口笔记本电脑保护屏(有放大功能),笔记本屏幕保护镜,护目镜.深圳市奇盛玻璃镜制品有限公司 电话:0755-28993366 28993166 13530270014 陈琦 全进口电脑保护屏 (有卓面放大功能 {zj0}保护你的眼睛 ) Function: 主要规格 / 特殊功能: 1. Reduce glare 适合7到25英寸的笔记本电脑和台式电脑显示器。 。 2. Reduce eyestrain and fatigue 可减少 眼部疲劳 防反射 防静电。 3. Anti-reflection 防电脑显示屏发射出来的UV射线。 4. Eliminate static 给眼睛提供有效保护,保护你的眼睛。 5. Block U.V. rays 有{zh0}的放大倍率 可放大50%。 6. Enlarge view 7. Enhance the visibility of the entire display without distortion 8. Keep light and dust away from screen * Easy to carry and install, not to need any tool The words are always too small in NB, so your eyes often feel tired. With it, the problem is solved right now. It has 3x powers to get 30% improvement. Enlarge 7” picture to 9” image. Magnifier + filter with privacy function. Only 1.5 cm thickness and 105g. 7”, 8.4” ,9”, 10.1”, 12.1”, 14.1” are15.4” available of 销售全进口笔记本电脑保护

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