HOWTO: CPU Frequency Scaling w/ Kernel Module - 东写西读终见大海 ...

I thought I would write a little howto on how to get cpu frequency scaling to work directly with the kernel modules. These modules are generally more efficient for performance computing and battery life.

kernel >= 2.6.9

Step 1: Enable BIOS Support
Enter your BIOS at boot and make sure Cool'n'Quiet (AMD) or SpeedStep (Intel) is enable for you CPU. Some BIOS may not have option at all. If that is the case it is probably enabled by default. Other BIOS may have the option but it is listed as another name altogether. If that is the case check your BIOS manual for more info.

Step 2: Remove Userspace Scaling Software


Step 3: Install CPU Module
Identify your cpu type by runnig the command

You can also Check the following links
AMD CPU Chart -
Intel CPU Chart -

AMD Sempron/Athlon/MP ( K7 )
Socket Types: A, Slot A

AMD Duron/Sempron/Athlon/Opteron 64 ( K8 )
Socket Types: 754, 939, 940, S1 ( 638 ), AM2 ( 940 ), F ( 1207 )

Intel Core Duo

Intel Pentium M

Others (Unknown)
I'm not entirely sure which cpus are supported using this module. If your cpu doesn't work with one of the above methods try this one.

Step 4: Scaling Modules

Step 5: Testing/Configuration
Show Available Governors

You should see output similar to

Description: CPU frequency is scaled based on load in incremental steps up and down.

Advanced Configuration Options

Description: CPU frequency is scaled based on load.

Advanced Configuration Options

Description: CPU only runs at max frequency regardless of load.
Configuration Dir: N/A

Description: CPU only runs at min frequency regardless of load.
Configuration Dir: N/A

Step 6: Load Modules at Boot
Add the following lines to the end of /etc/modules

Step 7: Configure Modules at Boot
This step needs to be done in order for the modules to retain your settings.
Make sure you have sysfsutils installed

Then add the following lines to /etc/sysfs.conf

Where ondemand can be changed to another governor type (i.e. conservative, powersave, etc.). You can also add other configuration options that are specific to the governor selected.

Useful Links


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