引言 4
1 ASP和Access简介 5
1.1 ASP简介 5
1.2 ASP功能特点 5
1.3 ASP技术 5
1.4 ASP运行平台 6
1.5 ASP与数据库连接 7
1.6 Access数据库介绍 9
2某集团销售客户管理系统的需求分析 11
2.1 系统需求分析 11
2.2 业务管理需求分析 11
2.3 可行性分析 12
2.4 系统分析 13
2.5 系统数据分析与描述 14
3 某集团销售客户管理系统的设计 16
3.1 设计思想 16
3.1.1 Browser/server结构 16
3.1.2 数据库设计 17
3.2 数据库需求分析 17
3.3 数据库概念结构设计 18
3.4 数据库结构创建 18
4 某集团销售客户管理系统的具体实现 19
4.1 系统登陆模块(logon.asp) 19
4.2 登陆处理页面(createframe.asp) 22
4.3 总部职工导航页面(center.asp) 25
4.3.1 送检审批 25
4.3.2 发货 26
4.3.3 发货单录入 27
4.3.4 查看换货单 28
4.3.5 查看发货单 29
4.3.6 货款记录 30
4.4 区域职工导航页面(city.asp) 31
4.4.1 查看送检单 31
4.4.2 到货确认 32
4.4.3 回款记录 33
5 系统测试与评估 34
5.1 系统测试 34
5.2 系统评价 35
结 束 语 36
参考文献 37

[1]肖志刚 张维 韩璐编 《ASP动态网页设计应用培训教程》 电子工业出版社
[2]汪晓平 钟军编《ASP网络开发技术(第二版)》 人民邮电出版社
[3]刘瑞新《ASP动态网站开发毕业设计指导及实例》 机械工业出版社
[4] 范国平《Access2002数据库系统开发实例导航》 人民邮电出版社
[5] 萨师煊 王珊《数据库系统概论(第三版)》 高等教育出版社
[6] 王庆育《软件工程》 清华大学出版社
[7] 施伯乐《数据库系统教程》 高等教育出版社
[8] 张固 《ASP网络应用系统典型模块开发实例解析》 人民邮电出版社
[9] Date C J.An Introduction to Database Systems(Ed.6).Addison-Wesley,1995
[10] Johnson.S 《Active Server Pages 详解》 北京电子工业出版社 1999

摘 要

The customer relations management is for the purpose of effectively improving the enterprise and the customer relations new competition idea and the management. This article first introduces the customer relations management the research background and the significance; Expound the customer through the customer life cycle and the customer life-long value two concepts to enterprise’s value, the analysis discussion customer relations management basic connotation, the main content and three big functions props; And from aspect and so on enterprise’s marketing, sale, customer service as well as organization analyzes the customer relations management to the enterprise the influence, pointed out the customer relations management can enhance the enterprise the core competitive advantage. Then, the analysis discussion customer relations management system management system basic function as well as the data mining technology in the customer relations management system management system application, has produced the data mining basic step, and union case analysis data mining in customer life cycle each stage utilization. Finally aimed at the customer relations management system management system movement success ratio not high reality to propose the transformation enterprise culture and the success implementation key aspect, and from the management thought, software, the system three concepts level has made the summary to the customer relations management theory and the method. Designed partially mainly introduced this system movement environment, this was uses the ASP compilation homepage the prerequisite, also later the chapter will foreshadow for reading.
Sells the customer system to the development Kazak medicine group to carry on the system analysis. Emphatically introduced this system design mentality to the reader. Introduced this system concrete realization process, including function introduction and truncation chart. Has carried on the test and the appraisal to this system. The present paper has quoted the graph, the form in the writing process and matches to the writing explained that, is helpful to reader’s understanding. The deficiency is unavoidable, looks teacher to give the criticism and the instruction.
Key Word: Internet,Data Base,ASP,Ac

出处 Http://www.mr5i.com/

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