乡村xxJosh Turner2010新专辑-Haywire(全碟试听mp3下载歌词) - 百度 ...
乡村xxJosh Turner2010新专辑-Haywire(全碟试听mp3下载歌词) [原创 2010-02-18 17:57:46]   


超有辨识度的厚实嗓音!来自于美国乡村音乐xxJosh Turner。《Haywire》是他的第四张录音室专辑。专辑于2010年2月9日由MCA Nashville发行。和以往的三张专辑一样,Turner再次与制作人Frank Rogers合作。专辑首单"Why Don't We Just Dance"一经发布,就火速窜到美国公告牌最热乡村歌曲排行榜(Hot Country Songs charts){dy}的位置。


01. Why Don’t We Just Dance


Baby why don't we just turn that tv off
Three hundred fifteen channels of nothing but bad news on
Well it might be me but the way I see it the whole world has gone crazy
So baby why don't we just dance

Guess the little bitty living room aint gonna look like much
When the lights go down and we move the couch its gonna be more than enough
For my two left feet and our two hearts beatin' nobody's gonna see us go crazy

So baby why don't we just dance down the hall maybe straight up the stairs bouncin' off the wall floatin' on air baby why don't we just dance

Baby why don't you go put your best dress on
Those high heeled shoes you love to lose as soon as the tunes come on
On second thought just the way you are is already drivin' me crazy so baby why don't we just dance down the hall maybe straight up the stairs bouncin' off the wall floatin' on air baby why don't we just dance

Ah cut a rug

Well it might be me but the way I see it the whole world has gone crazy so baby why don't we just dance Oh baby why don't we just dance.

02. I Wouldn’t Be A Man
03. Haywire
04. Your Smile
05. Lovin’ You On My Mind
06. As Fast As I Could
07. I’ll Be There
08. All Over Me
09. Eye Candy
10. Friday Paycheck
11. The Answer

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