diy补水面膜怎么做» 美容护肤_美容养颜- 百度美容网







{dy}次使用海藻美白时,会明显感到皮肤在吸水,揭下面膜后,美白水润立刻感受得到,并促使毛细孔收缩细致。这对天天经受电脑幅射、油脂分泌困扰的 office lady来说,尤其适合使用。










how to do diy mask replenishment

Spring skin sensitive, and likely to cause acne acne troubled, water, oil-balancing also requires us to regular maintenance. How to keep skin healthy state in the spring, so Xiaobian to introduce you to several replenishment diy mask bar!

Natural replenishment Banana Mask

Banana skin for the use of neutral, will break the banana, add honey and yogurt, stirring evenly to the face after the smear, 10 to 15 minutes after the wash with water so the skin becomes very moisturizing.

Seaweed Mask

Seaweed is a kind of pure natural plant, eliminate the need for complex processing, very safe to use. But few people know, algae can also eat Oh. It turned out that not only beauty Jiapin seaweed or summer cooling Jieshu Jiapin delicious. The food was made with seaweed and transparent jelly-like, cool Quhuo. Deposited on the face mask so beauty, but also throughout the year replenishment whitening, anti-inflammatory anti-acne the best choice.

The first use of seaweed, whitening, it will clearly felt that skin absorption, peeled off mask, the White Hydra felt immediately, and to promote fine pores shrink. This is a computer every day to withstand radiation, oil secretion troubled office lady is particularly suitable for use.

Usage Tips: Natural seaweed powder 1 / 3 spoon, 1 spoon glycerin, mineral water amount. Seaweed powder and glycerol into the mineral water in the mixing, or compressed with a cotton pad dipped into the post-deposited on the face mask. 15 minutes later, wash with warm water, 1 week and 2 – 3 times. Super pay, overtime pay is better than big-name products.

Bitter attaining a replenishment

As everyone knows, is bitter to lose weight Saint goods, in fact there is another layer of bitter gourd role: Qingshu, detoxification, improving eyesight. At the same time, bitter gourd, or replenishment Ichiban, as well as to prevent inflammation, super whitening effect.

Balsam pear contains 94% of the water, most worth mentioning is that bitter melon contained in the vitamin B1, vitamin C ranks first in melons and vegetables. The color depth of the human body mainly related to melanin synthesis ability of the melanoma cells, vitamin C can interrupt the process of melanin synthesis, so eat bitter melon can dilute melanin, so that delicate white skin. It is suitable for dry skin you, summer home, bitter home-made white-collar women, beauty can trick.

Usage Tips: Take a bitter gourd, bitter gourd cut into the thickness of 2mm, sheet, placed in the water soak 5 minutes. The bitter gourd pieces attached to the whole face and wrap it after 15 minutes, remove with paper towels wiping her face clean, not wash or water to just wash a nutritional supplement.

White vinegar wash Rejuvenation

You must not know the efficacy of white vinegar are whitening freckle right? White vinegar can soften the skin, the stratum corneum, as well as the role of bacteria, persist in use, make the skin delicate, narrow pores, but also to eliminate hateful little acne, acne scars will be smeared out already. Keep in mind Oh, it must be a white vinegar.

Tips for Usage: Every time when you wash your face, put a Xiaopen of water, adding a small amount (about 2 tablespoons) of white vinegar, pour water and mix thoroughly, flew at his face, or simply her face with warm water immersion. Then the water drained, and then start a normal wash program. The white vinegar and water distribution in accordance with the ratio of 1:3, and can be individually packed in a mineral water bottle. Face washed every morning and evening, after the vinegar water gently with the palm shoot in the face, for once, not to use too much, a little bit will do.



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