PERCY JACKSON &the OLYMPIANS_Angel 希望这一方净土,远离尘世的铅华 ...

The Lightning Thief
Illustrator John Rocco
Series (Book 1)
Publication date July 1, 2005 (hardcover)
April 1, 2006 (paperback)
Media type Print (, ), audiobook CD
Pages 384 (hardcover)
400 (paperback)
Followed by

The Lightning Thief is a 2005 / based on , the first novel written by author . It is the first book in the series, which charts the adventures of modern twelve-year-old as he discovers he is a , the son of a mortal woman and the Greek god . Percy and his friends go on a quest to prevent an war between the Greek gods , and .

Riordan finished writing his manuscript in 1994. The Lightning Thief was initially accepted by in 1997 and later sold in an auction to before being released on July 28, 2005. The book has sold over 1.2 million copies in the subsequent four years, appearing on the and being listed as one of the 's Best Books for Young Adults, among other awards. It will be adapted to a film named was released in the United States on February 12, 2010. The sequel to this book is .


Percy Jackson is a twelve year old boy diagnosed with and , who has been expelled from several schools. On a trip with his mother, his friend Grover, revealed to be a , urgently tells Percy's mother that Percy must go to a certain camp. As they drive towards camp, they are attacked by a which grabs Percy's mother. She dissolves into a golden shower of light, while Grover and Percy narrowly escape.

Percy wakes up and discovers that he has arrived in Camp Half-Blood, a secretive training ground for . Thereafter, Percy is moved into the cabin under the care of Luke, the Cabin counselor. During a game, Percy is attacked by the children of Ares. He heals when he steps into the adjoining river and is revealed as the son of when Poseidon's trident appears above his head. Poseidon had broken an oath taken with Hades and Zeus after of not having any more children since they were too powerful. Percy is then granted a quest to find Zeus's master bolt which Chiron believes Hades has stolen. However, Zeus, who discovered Poseidon had broken his oath, believes Poseidon had Percy steal the bolt. Percy, who has ten days before summer solstice to find the bolt, is given magic shoes by Luke before leaving. Percy, accompanied by Annabeth and Grover, decide to travel west to reach the entrance to the in . They encounter several Greek monsters, and also the war god, , who tells Percy that his mother is alive. As they approach the pit of , Luke’s shoes try to pull Grover into it, but he manages to slip free his hooves. Percy confronts Hades who also believes Percy stole the Master Bolt as well as his . Percy realizes that Ares has tricked him when he discovers the bolt in his backpack. He flees from the Underworld, forced to leave his mother. Percy then fights and defeats Ares by hurting the god's heel. Ares gives Percy the Helm of Darkness which Percy returns to Hades. Percy reaches New York City to give the master bolt to Zeus at the top of where Olympus is now located. Zeus accepts the master bolt and thereafter Percy returns to camp, after learning that his mother is alive. He meets Luke, who reveals that he stole the bolt for . He calls out a poisonous scorpion which stings and nearly kills Percy. Chiron cures him and Percy leaves to attend another school found by his mother.

Major characters

  • : The protagonist; a twelve year old boy who has been diagnosed with as well as . Percy discovers that he is the son of Greek god and that his disabilities are natural for , also known as half-bloods. He embarks on an adventure to find Zeus's master lightning bolt to prevent a disastrous war among the gods.
  • : A twelve year old daughter of the goddess . Annabeth was brought to by and . She helps nurse Percy after he is attacked by the . She also accompanies Percy on his quest to find Zeus's master bolt. Annabeth has been going to Camp Half-Blood since she was seven and possesses a necklace that has beads from every year she survives at Camp Half-Blood.
  • : Grover is a and Percy's best friend. Initially, he was undercover as a boy in search of potential demigods. He leads Percy to the Camp after his mother is taken and accompanies him on his journey to find Zeus's master bolt. His lifelong dream is to find the god of wild places, .
  • : The main antagonist and a son of ; he is the counsellor of the Hermes cabin and helps train Percy in the art of battle. Later, he betrays Percy and leaves him for dead, revealing that he works for the Titan .
  • : He is, at first, Percy's teacher, Mr. Brunner. Later, Percy discovers he is a , half-horse and half-man. He is Camp Half-Blood's Activity Director.

2 2010-02-15 21:21 |
回复1015茹茹:电影<<珀西杰克森与奥林匹亚:闪电窃贼》根据Rick Riordan同名畅销儿童小说改编,故事主角珀西(Percy)是海神波塞冬和人类生的儿子,这个生活在现代美国的男孩在得知自己真正身份后必须去神界阻止一场众神之间的战争。曾经在《蝴蝶效应》中扮演阿什顿库彻小时候的童星罗根勒曼(Logan Lerman)将扮演珀西,亚历珊德拉达达里奥(Alexandra Daddario)和《热带惊雷》里的黑人演员布兰登T杰克逊(Brandon T. Jackson)也会加盟,和“珀西”组成“铁三角”。
此外皮尔斯布鲁斯南(Pierce Brosnan)会扮演人马喀戎(Chiron),乌玛瑟曼(Uma Thurman)扮演蛇发女妖美杜沙(Medusa),肖恩宾肖恩宾(Sean Bean)扮演主神宙斯(Zeus),凯文麦克基德(Kevin McKidd)扮演海神波塞冬(Poseidon),梅琳娜卡纳卡罗兹(Melina Kanakaredes)扮演雅典娜(Athena)。
《珀西杰克森和奥林匹亚》(Percy Jackson and the Olympians)系列目前

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