MWC 2010 : SanDisk 展示64GB iNAND 手持装置内存
涓嶇煡閬撲粈涔堟槸澶嶅埄鐨勫姏閲忥紵閭d箞鐪嬬湅鎵嬫寔瑁呯疆浣跨敤鐨勯棯瀛樺閲忕殑澧為暱閫熷害锛屾垨璁稿氨鑳藉璁╂偍浜茶韩鎰熷彈涓€涓嬨€傜姽璁板緱涓ゅ勾鍓嶏紝褰撴椂 SanDisk 鎺ㄥ嚭鐨?16GB 浜у搧宸茬粡绠楁槸褰撴椂楂橀樁浜у搧銆傝€屽幓骞村閲忓張缈讳簡涓€鍊嶆潵鍒?32GB锛岃€屼粖骞撮珮闃朵骇鍝佺殑瀹氫箟鍙堣 SanDisk 閲嶅啓浜嗭紝瀹归噺鍐嶆寰€涓婅烦浜嗕竴鍊嶏紝杈惧埌 64GB 鐨勫鐣? 鐓ц繖閫熷害鍙戝睍锛屼篃璁稿啀杩囧洓骞村氨鍙互鐪嬪埌浠?T 涓哄閲忓崟浣嶇殑鎵嬫満浜嗗憿锛?/strike> )

绠€鍗曞綊绾充竴涓? 鏂板彂甯冪殑浜у搧閲嶇偣锛?br />
锛庨噰鐢?32nm 鍒剁▼锛屽強鍏堣繘鐨?X3 鎶€鏈? 姣忎釜 Cell 鍐呭彲鍌ㄥ瓨 3 bit 鐨勬暟鎹?)銆?br />锛庢敮鎸?e.MMC 4.4 鏍囧噯鎺ュ彛瑙勬牸銆?br />锛庡崟鑺墖鏈€澶у閲忎负 64GB銆?br />

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