Karal《Alturas de Macchu Picchu (2009)》【新碟部落】[FLAC] - 明 ...

Karal《Alturas de Macchu Picchu (2009)》【新碟 部落】[FLAC]

2010-02-11 21:37:24 阅读4 评论0 字号:

英文名称:Alturas de Macchu Picchu
艺 术 家:Karal
音乐流派:Ethnic / Latin

The music of Peru is an amalgamation of sounds and styles drawing on Peru's Andean musical roots and Spanish musical influences.

Native Peruvian music is dominated by the national instrument, the charango. The charango is a type of mandolin, and was invented in the Viceroyalty of Peru by musicians imitating Spanish lutes and guitars. In the Canas and Titicaca regions, the charango is used in courtship rituals, symbolically invoking mermaids with the instrument to lure the woman to the male performers. Until the 1960s, the charango was denigrated as an instrument of the rural poor. After the revolution in 1959, which built upon the Indigenismo movement (1910–1940), the charango was popularized among other performers. Music of Chinese and Japanese settlers greatly influenced Peruvian music.

Raul Romero's recordings of saxophone and clarinet ensembles from the Mantaro Valley have proved extremely influential.


01. Quena Pop
02. Socoroma
03. Iscanhuayna
04. San Juan Fusion
05. Camino de Llamas
06. Purimuy
07. Elay Pue
08. Tempestad
09. Carnaval de Tinta
10. Cuidado Wawa
11. Llaquiruna
12. Serpentina Roja


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