MWC 2010:HTC Legend正式发布

铏界劧HTC Legend姝e紡鍙戝竷浜嗭紝涓嶈繃鍦ㄨ繖绡囧綋涓紝杩樻槸鐪嬩笉鍒拌缁嗙殑瑙勬牸锛堝彲鑳界湅璋h█杩樻瘮杈冨揩锛夛紝鏈€閲嶈鐨勭壒鑹插涓嬶細

  • 鈥ф満澹充富缁撴瀯閲囩敤鍗曚竴鐨勯摑鍒跺澹筹紙绉戠锛屽鏋滀綘鏇剧粡涔颁簡涓€娆撅紝浣嗗彈鍒癛F闂褰卞搷锛屼絾杩樻槸鎯宠鍐嶆壘閲戝睘澶栧3鎵嬫満鐨勮瘽......锛?/li>
  • 鈥ц繖涓墍璋撶殑銆屾祦绾跨殑澶栧瀷銆嶅氨涓嶇敤璇翠簡鍚?/li>
  • 鈥ч噰鐢?.2瀵哥殑AMOLED灞忓箷
  • 鈥ц繖娆捐窇鐨勬槸Android 2.1
  • 灏嗕簬绗簩瀛e湪娆ф床涓婂競锛岃嚦浜庡叾浠栧湴鍖烘湭鏄庛€?/li>


  1. * 3.2瀵?HVGA AMOLED 鐢靛寮忓睆骞?/li>
  2. * Qualcomm MSM7227 600Mhz
  3. * 500涓囧儚绱犻暅澶?鍙?LED 闂厜鐏?/li>
  4. * 钃濈墮 2.1 + EDR
  5. * WIFI
  6. * 鍥涢 GSM / EDGE 鍙?鍙岄 HSPA
  7. * 鐢靛瓙鎸囧崡閽?/li>
  8. * 3.5mm 鑰虫満瀛?/li>
  9. * 1300mAh 鐢垫睜

璺宠浆鍚庡彲鐪婬TC Legend骞垮憡銆?object width="425" height="344">

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