
Information for Product: #ACL 1000 / 1001 - Nanocoulomb Meter (Laboratory Grade)

Detects potentially damaging static charges with IC tubes. It needs no calibrated cable assemblies and offers two static charge measurement ranges. Meets the testing standard established by the Electronic Industries Association (1S-5).

Detects potentially damaging static charges within IC tubes.  Static
charges can build up on your costly IC shipping tubes as they vibrate and
slide in production and transit.  The results can be devastating to your
bottom line: component damage to total circuit failure.  The ACL 1000
easily and accurately checks your shipping tubes for potential static
before it has a chance to create problems.  


*Meets the testing standard established by the Electronic Industries
Association (!S-5)
*Easy to operate - needs no calibrated cable assemblies.
* Offers two static charge measurement ranges.
* Helps you choose the right material for shipping tubes.


*compact electrometer with a 3 2@ digital light-emitting-diode display with
simple two switch operation.
* Detachable Faraday Cup with its own front-end circuitry which eliminates
the need for calibrated cable assemblies.
* Cup is attached to the meter with a six-foot multi-colored shielded cable.

Accuracy: +/- 2%

*All meters are warrantied one year from date of purchase on parts and labor
*Calibration is recommended every 12 months




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