密封或受损;屏蔽泵和磁力泵有什么不同点- gemobengwang - 博客大巴
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    屏蔽泵和磁力泵几个方面共同点:1、都属于叶片式离心泵。2、都无任何密封,可起到无泄露。 不同点:屏蔽泵电机是直联式的,其电机转子和定子之间用屏蔽套隔开,电机加装了内循环冷却结构,能起到冷却电机、润滑轴承的目的。 磁力泵:其电动机通过磁性联轴器和外磁钢连在一起,叶轮和内磁钢连在一起。在外磁钢和内磁钢之间设有全密封的隔离套,将内、外磁钢xx隔开,使内磁钢处于介质之中,电动机的转轴通过磁钢间磁极的吸力直接带动叶轮同步转动。

    “ Magnetic shielding pumps and pump what is the difference”是由提供的国际水泵新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国磁力泵网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。

    Magnetic shielding pumps and pump several aspects in common: one, belonged to the blade centrifugal pumps. 2, have no seal, may play no leakage. Different points: shield pump motor is direct-coupled, and its rotor and stator are separated between the sets with the shield, the electrical installation of the inner cooling structure, and can play a cool motor bearing lubrication purposes. Magnetic pump: its motor through magnetic coupling and the outer magnet linked impeller and inner magnet together. Magnet between the outer and inner magnet was equipped with separate sets of sealed, will be inside and outside the magnet completely separated, so that inside the magnet in the media among the motor shaft through the magnet pole of attraction between the impeller directly driven synchronous rotation.


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