【POP】Kill Paradise -The Second Effect 2010 [MP3] – HuaFox Music ...

xx?: Kill Paradise
专辑?: The Second Effect
发行日期?: 2010-02-15
风格?: Pop
质量?: MP3 VBR 196kbps
时长?: 47:29
大小?: 70.26MB

1. Oh Lexi 4:38
2. Fall From A Star 4:06
3. Just Friends? 4:11
4. Punch! 4:10
5. Miracle 3:21
6. All For You 4:46
7. RCNK Remix 4:52
8. Fine Without You 3:53
9. Katie And I 5:13
10. Radio Arcade 3:47
11. Candy Land Wedding 4:32



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