
防火阀、排烟防火阀的试验项目包括五项:温感器动作性能试验;关闭可靠性能试验;盐雾试验;漏风量试验;耐火试验。本课题研究主要是针对后两项试验进行的。 (一)防火阀、排烟防火阀的概念 防火阀是指安装在通风、空调系统的送、回风管路上,平时呈开启状态,火灾时当管道内气体温度达到70oC时自动关闭,在一定时间内能满足耐火稳定性和耐火完整性要求,起隔烟阻火作用的阀门。 排烟防火阀是指安装在排烟系统管道上,平时呈开启状态,火灾时当管道内气体温度达到280℃时自动关闭,在一定时间内能满足耐火稳定性和耐火完整性要求。起隔烟阻火作用的阀门。 (二)防火阀的作用 一个复杂的送风排烟系统,管路错综复杂。在送风系统中,送风机送出的风必须通过主管道分配到各支管中去;在排风或排烟系统中,风或烟由各支管汇集到主管道后进入排风机排出。那么,无论是送风系统或排烟系统中,如果没有任何阻挡的话,送风量和排烟量就无法控制,不需要送风或排烟的部位出现大量送风、排烟的情况,而需要送风或排烟的部位却不送风、排烟或只是少量送风、排烟。为了把不需要送风、排烟部位的管路切断,这就需要阀门装置。 另外,送风排烟系统中各部分的风量虽然通过管路计算,并进行相应的管路设计。但是,一方面理论计算与实际情况存在着一定的偏差,另一方面系统的运行工况在不断变化,因而必须对系统各部分的风量进行相应的调节,这又需要阀门装置。 还有,某些通风设备,如离心式通风机等,在启动时{zh0}是空载启动,因为这样电动机的启动电流最小,对安全有利。这就需要在启动之前把系统管路切断。当风机进出口带有开关时,一般是把进口或出口关闭即可,如进出口不带开关,则必须通过阀门装置来控制。 (三)防火阀、排烟防火阀的设置 在通风、空调系统管道上设防火阀,在排烟系统管道上设排烟防火阀,以防止火灾时高温有毒烟气传输,引起火灾蔓延扩大和毒性加重。 1.在下列情况之一的通风、空调系统的风管应设置防火阀: (1)管道穿越防火分区的隔墙处; (2)管道穿越通风、空气调节机房及重要的或火灾危险性大的房间隔墙和楼板处; (3)垂直风管与每层水平风管交接处的水平管段 (4)管道穿越变形缝的两侧。 上述部位的防火阀,当火灾中管道中气体的温度达到70oC时,则自动关闭。 2.排烟系统的分隔: (1)在排烟机房的人口处,设置当烟气温度超过280oC时能自动关闭的排烟防火阀。排烟机应保证在280oC时能连续工作30min; (2)在排烟支管上设置当烟气温度超过280C时能自行关闭的排烟防火阀。 (四)开展此项研究的意义 防火阀、排烟防火阀作为建筑防火、防排烟系统的一个重要组成部分,其质量的好坏直接关系着上述系统设置的成败,关系着建筑防火的安全及人员疏散的安全。 无论对于供应厂商、用户,还是消防监督部门,都对其质量的好坏极为xx。由此完善的试验方法、试验手段及判定标准成为了保证其质量的必要措施,耐火试验作为防火阀、排烟防火阀检验测试的一个重要项目,测试方法是否科学合理,是否经济可行,试验数据是否准确可靠,以及数据采集与处理技术是否先进,这些方法与技术成了该保证措施能否推广应用的关键。目前,ISO9000认证在我国企业已经得到了越来越多的认识和发展,作为产品质量的保证措施——试验方法、手段是必要的。对防火阀、排烟防火阀耐火试验方法及数据采集与处理系统的研究,既有助于制定科学合理的判定与检验方式,又有助于该保证措施在生产企业的推广应用,更好地确保防火阀、排烟防火阀的产品质量。

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Fire damper, smoke fire damper of the pilot projects include 5: Temperature sensor movement performance test; close reliability test; salt spray test; the amount of air leakage test; resistance test. This research project is mainly directed against the latter two tests. (A) The fire damper and smoke fire damper concept Fire damper is installed in the ventilation and air-conditioning system, delivery, return air pipe on the road, usually was turned on, fire when the gas pipeline shut down automatically when the temperature reaches 70oC, in a certain period of time to meet the fire-resistant stability and fire integrity requirements has played the role of smoke fire retardant valve. Smoke fire damper is installed in the exhaust system pipe, usually was turned on, fire, when the pipeline gas temperature reaches 280 ℃ automatically shut down, in a certain period of time to meet the fire-resistant stability and fire integrity requirements. The role of smoke from fire retardant valve. (B) the role of fire dampers A complex air supply exhaust systems, piping complex. In the air supply system, air blower must be sent through the appropriate channel allocation to various branch tube to go; in ventilation or exhaust system, wind or smoke by the pool to the director of Road branch pipe entered the exhaust fan discharge. So, whether it is air supply system or exhaust system, if there is no block, then the amount of air supply and exhaust can not be controlled, no air supply or exhaust the site of a large number of air supply, exhaust the situation and need to Air Supply or the site is not blowing smoke, smoke or just a small amount of air supply and exhaust. In order to do not need to supply air, exhaust pipe parts cut off, which requires the valve device. In addition, the air supply exhaust system, although the quantity of the various parts of the wind through the pipeline calculations and pipeline design accordingly. However, theoretical calculations and the actual situation on the one hand there is a certain amount of bias, on the other hand the system operating conditions are constantly changing, and therefore must be parts of a system air flow and make the appropriate adjustment, which in turn require the valve device. Also, some of the ventilation equipment, such as centrifugal fans and so on, no load at boot time is best to start, because the motor starting current minimal safety benefit. This requires the system before you start cutting pipes. When the fan with the switch, export, import or export in general is to close the can, such as import and export of non-switch, it must be through the valve device to control. (C) The fire damper and smoke fire damper settings In ventilation, air-conditioning system pipelines fire damper located in the exhaust system pipe smoke fire damper located in order to prevent fire, toxic gas heat transfer, causing the spread of fire and toxicity increased. 1. In one of the following circumstances ventilation, air-conditioning system duct dampers should be set: (1) Pipeline through fire partition walls Office; (2) Pipeline through ventilation, air conditioning and major engine room fire hazard or a large room walls and floors Service; (3) vertical wind pipe and duct junction on each floor level of the horizontal pipe section (4) through the deformation crack pipe on both sides. The above-mentioned parts of the fire damper, when the fire gases in the pipeline when the temperature reaches 70oC, then shut down automatically. 2. Smoke extraction system of separation: (1) in the smoke room of the Population Division, set up when the flue gas temperature exceeds 280oC can automatically shut down when the smoke fire damper. Smoke machine should ensure that when 280oC continuous 30min; (2) in the exhaust manifold on the set when the flue gas temperature exceeds 280C itself off when the smoke fire damper. (D) to carry out the significance of the study Fire damper, smoke fire damper as construction, fire prevention, smoke extraction system is an important component of its quality will have a direct bearing on the success or failure of the system settings, relations of a building fire safety and evacuation safety. Both for the suppliers, users, or the fire supervision departments, are extremely concerned about their quality is good or bad. This perfect testing methods, testing methods, and determine the standard has become a necessary measure to ensure its quality, fire-resistant test as a fire damper and smoke fire damper inspection and testing of an important project, the test method is scientific and reasonable, whether economically feasible, test data whether it is accurate and reliable, as well as data acquisition and processing technology is advanced, these methods and technologies have become the assurance measures could promote the use of the key. At present, ISO9000 certification in China's enterprises has been growing awareness and development, as a product quality assurance measures - test methods and means are necessary. On the fire damper and smoke fire damper fire test methods and data acquisition and processing system which not only contribute to the development and testing to determine the scientific and rational way, but also contribute to the assurance measures applied in the production of enterprise promotion and better ensure that the fire damper and smoke fire damper of the product quality.

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