


重点:这个服务提供商提供的服务是免费的,两个order 都是 0 欧元, 但是发生的 GPRS 或 3G流量 是有电信运营商收取的,因以前没有玩过这个业务,不晓得实际流量换算出的费用是多少,要尝鲜的,主意自己的流量和流量产生的对应费用金额。





登入,(登入时,记得用户ID要加上@以及后面的如登入后,点左边的“Additional services order”然后会看到你的账单,现在要仔细寻找有个“Wippies PoC”,点了之后,在账单上{dy}个选上,用户ID填你之前的ID,两个密码都填你之前的密码!在往下打勾,确定。







PoC: Push-To-Talk over Cellular

PTT: Push-To-Talk


“无线一键通”,目前有两种叫法。诺基亚将其“无线一键通”(Push to talk over Cellular)技术简称为“PoC”,高通公司则译为“即按即说” (push-to-talk),缩写成“PTT”。

"一键通"(Push To Talk)是将有相应功能的手机当成对讲机使用,是一种半双工的通信方式,这种手机有个对讲键,用户按下后,就可以和其他用户或者群组通话(无论距离远近,只需位于运营商网络覆盖之处)。


PTT手机与一般对讲机有所不同,一是对讲机毋需通过网络,PoC是通过无线移动网络对话,通话范围不再局限于几公里之内,只要是在移动网络覆盖的地方,就能进行双方对话。 二是和普通对讲机只能在短距离内,靠功率发射通话相比,这一业务有强大优势,包括可以漫游。普通手机无法使用 PTT 功能,但一部分支持高通BREW的手机将来可以通过软件升级来支持 PTT 技术。同时PTT手机与普通手机也有很大区别,PTT手机可在界面上设置类似于QQ或MSN的好友列表,也可设置多个群组,并能随意修改个人在线或隐身等状态。既能选择某个人单聊,也可实现与三人以上的群组共同对话,还能进行语音短信、家庭会议等复杂业务。

“无线一键通”PoC (Push-To-Talk over Cellular)是由爱立信、摩托罗拉、诺基亚和西门子四巨头联合开发的规范。根据介绍,该规范基于3GPP定义的IP多媒体子系统(IMS),意在减少市场分割,使用户无论漫游到全球的任何地方,都能享受易于使用的“一键通”体验。它的推出满足了用户对“一键通”和IMS的巨大市场需求。Poc技术的应用是基于IP网络的,其成本远远低于普通的手机语音业务。作为一种新型的移动通信业务,其潜在的营收和利润增长点,正受到包括运营商和设备提供商在内的通信界的极大xx。目前,全球已有超过4000万人在使用PoC,且业内人士对这一市场前景相当看好。

此项业务1993年由美国移动运营商Nextel在全球率先推出,它是基于蜂窝系统的PoC网络,被命名为Direct Connect(手机直通)。由于切合了该公司用户群体以商务用户为主的特点,"手机直通"业务受到了Nextel公司用户的欢迎。经过近十年的市场考验,人们惊奇地发现,由于"手机直通"这项业务的存在,用户规模在全美排名仅仅位居第六的Nextel公司的ARPU值(每用户平均收益)却高居美国运营商榜首,而用户流失率则是几家移动运营商中{zd1}的,它每月都可从每个用户那里收取69美元的利润。而这一切,既不是靠漂亮的手机支持,也不是基于第三代移动通信网络,仅仅是因为最朴素的集群通信。由此, Nextel俨然成为许多想进入PTT市场的运营商的成功楷模。



Push-to-Talk over cellular server  POC Server PTT Server



Push-to-Talk over Cellular (PoC) is a new way to communicate via mobile phone within or between one or several groups. The application enables the group to use their mobile phones in a way similar to using a walkie-talkie.

A group can be either a local taxi company or a group of friends on a trip to Las Vegas. The groups can be established from web-tool (pre-defined groups) or from mobile terminal by using so called ad-hoc groups. The user can participate in several groups, but only one group can be a default group for speech. In essence, this means that you can listen to several different channels, but are only able to speak to one.
PoC is an important application for security and transport business and for all other situations that require fast group communication.
In PoC the key-advantage over a standard cellular phone call is a quick call-setup and easy dial. By pressing a button on the phone, everyone in a group, formed by the user, can hear the talker simultaneously and immediately, without having to hit the answer-button.
Voice messaging between groups and individuals is the most obvious application for PoC, but this new feature can also be used to trigger any audio, video and text content.
PoC calls are transported over data connections, instead of a circuit switched network. All data-packets are routed through PDSN/GGSN to PoC server, which then decides where to forward the data stream. Because PoC only uses data transport, normal phone calls come through regardless of PoC status.

Push To TalkCurrent SIP-based PoC-terminals for GPRS networks use Adaptive-MultiRate (AMR) audio coding schema in 5.15kbits/s mode. This bit rate in a single GPRS timeslot, causing nearly 8kbits/s of data volume for the active channel.
The Wireless ZT PoC system supports all available ways of charging and billing and the system can be customized based on the operators' needs.
Wireless ZT offers a cost effective starter kit for the operator to start testing the PoC system without having to invest large amounts of money.

  • Runs on Linux OS and Intel based HW.
  • Flexible billing interfaces.
  • Highly Customable end user interface.
  • High Availability support.
  • OMA and IS Group compliant.


2007 - 2010 笑容网事@米卡黄页
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