幼儿园要不要孤立爱咬人的小朋友? « BABY宝宝百科






my three-year-old baby, and if the children in kindergarten playing with toys, they do not get to him he would have to bite. Teachers in order to prevent him from injury to other children as much as possible on him and other children separated from his own play. I do not know if this situation continues I will not be lonely baby, do not want to do with people?

As soon as possible to help give up the habit baby, or you come good. After all, not a good kindergarten teacher to your children too severely, or else you will be hard for me psychologically. Teachers if no measures are taken, your child bite other people, they sure parents not dry, so the teacher had to separate him with others. and we do
parents of children severely point, help him to correct bad habits can be. I was a psychologist colleagues, I consulted him a few days ago (because my house before the baby for some other children love the first shot, So I click on the consultation), he said that the best is the child of error and do not like the things he links he repeated several times changed. Take the child in terms of my family: he did not like a person stay, so Every time before going out I told him how to get along well with children, if the first再拍people not playing, and immediately returned home, in a house to stay for a while; then, when playing outside, to be especially careful attention to the movement of his, in his hand to shoot still pictures to remind him when: you want to make it, finishing immediately locked up to go home. He would hand back (of course, if captured, they really must go home alone in his room, spent a few minutes, crying too), so after several times, he changed. Good luck!

Can not be separated from each bite distracted him before, will be long forgotten.

Teacher’s approach is wrong, you can communicate with teachers, and to the strengthening of their children’s education, or as if the teachers, it is better to change the kindergarten

Of course, the children can not be isolated! Whether parents or teachers should be teaching children, he is no more than bites want what she wants. This is mainly by parents, and usually the child has a lot to spoil too much.
parents do not do anything along the kids, teachers, nor is it intended to isolate your baby, he is to the safety of other children.
parents can also take this opportunity to let your baby does not understand what he wants as long as you can to him. Let the child know that he is not of such an approach is not only what she wants, but also hurt other people, given all of us do not like themselves, as he’d like the other things it is hard!
allow the baby to be a good boy懂礼貌, if necessary, the education must have setbacks. Do not think that small children do not understand anything, in fact, develop a character is a child.

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