

2010-02-13 15:57:30 阅读6 评论0 字号:

篇 名 蛋白质及纤维素衍生物手性固定相分离盐酸西替利嗪对映体 並列篇名 Study on the Enantiomer Separation of Cetirizine Dihydrochloride using Proteinate- and amylose-based Chiral Stationary Phase 作 者 ;;;; 刊 名 卷期/出版年月 (2004/03) 頁次 204-207 資料語文 中文 摘要 目的 研究盐酸西祷利嗪对映体在蛋白质及纤维素衍生物固定相土的保留行为,优化分离条件。方法 聚α-葡糖苷酯、α1-酸性糖蛋白及卵粘蛋白为固定相时,流动相分别为正己烷-异丙醇-乙醇-三氟乙酸(430:45:25:1)、乙腈-10mmol?L^1磷酸盐缓冲液(NaOH调至pH7.0)(4:96)及乙腈-2ommol?L1磷酸二氢钾(三乙胺调至pH7.0)(12.7:87.3)蛋白柱柱温25℃,检测波长均为230nm。结果 本法准确、灵敏、专属性好。结论 两类固定相均可较好地分离盐酸西替利嗪对映体。

Aim To study the chromatographic behavior of cetirizine dihydrochloride on the proteinate- anti amylose- based chiral stationary phases so as to optimizate the chromatographic condition of its enantiomers separation. Methods When using amylose-based, a, -acid glycoprotein and ovomucoid protein chiral stationary phase, the mobile phase was hexane-isopropyl alcohol-alcohol-trilluoroacetic acid (430:45:25:1), acetonitrile10 mmoh?L^(-1) phosphate buffer solution (adjusted to pH 7.0 with sodium hydroxide) (4:96) and acetonitrile-20mmoh?L^(-1) KR2PO4 solution (adjusted to pH 7.0 with triethylamine) (12.7:87.3), respectively. The temperature of proteinate column was 25℃. The detective wavelength was 230 nm. Results The two enantiomers could be separated on the two kinds of chiral stationary phases without derivatization and the resolution was above 2.0. The methods developed on the two kinds of chiral stationary phases are accurate, sensitive and specific. Conclusion Both the proteinate- and amylose-based chiral stationary phases can be used to separate the enantiomers of cetirizine.

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引文来源 蛋白质及纤维素衍生物手性固定相分离盐酸西替利嗪对映体 

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