怀孕期间孕酮,雌二醇,HCG偏低怎么办« BABY宝宝百科



a menstrual is my last 9 / 18, 10/28 to 40 days pregnant, but my progesterone, estradiol, HCG is low, the doctor gave me progesterone opened granules and progesterone one piece, VE, and regular blood tests, would like to ask the sisters this situation, do you how do? I am not attacking Mr injections, I This is the second child and first child, there was no fetal heart rate and embryo teeth, not nameless, this I have to do our best to keep, please sisters assist

The case of first child, I tell you the same, there is no fetal heart rate shoot, can only end in failure, then I喝了一点medicine and adjust a bit, now I have a baby will be born on, or male children, it is very healthy. So you Do not worry, pregnancy is a very wonderful thing, oh!

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