[推荐]看看美国家庭影院论坛上对惠威,B&W,MK的评价(2010-02-13 16:35:42)


美国的烧友都很喜欢惠威的DIVA系列,评价极高,好多烧友居然把自己的什么 Paradigm等箱子,换成DIVA,SWAN的,和国内正好相反啊。。。奇怪,难道惠威在国外卖的是{jp},在国内卖的是?值得思考。

I'm getting close to upgrading from my current Paradigm Monitor series speakers. How would the Swan's stand up against say the Paradigm Studio's or B&W's??

Yo. I can't comment on how they'd compare but I just just picked up Diva 6.1/C3/R3. My old speakers were klipsch RF3/RC3. The cabinets are beautiful & the sound is a big improvement.
至于对比,我不发表评论,我刚买了DIVA 6.1/C3/R3,我原来的箱子是 KLIPSCH RF3/RC3,现在的箱子非常漂亮而且声音好很多.

I have 4.1s and monitor 5s in my HT setup. The 4.1s have better sound to my ears than the monitor 5s. Tremendous bang for the buck IMO.
我有DIVA 4.1S 和 5S. DIVA 4.1S 声音听起来比5S好.

I have 4.1 mains, 2.1 surrounds, and a C3 center and love them. The black cherry finish make these speakers a steal, and I actually prefer it to the rosewood (blends ALOT better w/ silver/black TV and silver/black AV Stand). They still have the piano black top/bottom and the sound is exactly the same. My las speakers were Paradigm 5SE MK3s (predecessor to current monitors) and it was a big improvement w/ a slight loss in bass (AV12 sub takes over below 80hz so that didn't bother me). The 6.1s should be amazing even without a sub.
我的主箱是DIVA 4.1 ,环绕是DIVA 2.1, 中置C3,.......在此之前,我{zh1}的系统是PARADIGM 5SE MK3S, 现在声音提高很多,.低频差点(但是,我的AV12 低音炮发出80HZ以下的声音,这个问题解决了).....如果没有低音炮,DIVA 6.1S的表现应该应该是很好的

Good input people. Thanks!!






Local salesman said he could sell me the following:
4 CDM1NT"s (2 fronts-2 rears)
1 CDMCNT (center)
all for $2400+tax
will I get good surround sound with the cdm's against the back wall? My listening area is also against the back wall, I may be able to pull it out 12-18 inches.
本地销售商报价如下: 4只 CDM 1NT (2前2后), 1只CDM CNT (中置),全部2400美圆再加税, 如果CDM 放在后墙,能获得好的环绕效果嘛? 我的听音区也靠后墙,我可能需要将箱子外移12-16英寸.

If you listened to the speakers and like them, then get them. B&W is closing out the CDM line in favor of the 700 line. The 700s are now posted on B&W's web site. I believe the 1NTs list for about $1,200, the CDMNT around $600. Normally, purchasing that much equipment, you can work the dealer for 10-15 percent off list. The dealer obviously is trying to close out whatever stock is left.
The 1NTs are fine speakers. Matched with a good sub and capable electronics, you should be OK. Try to give the speakers at least 18 inches from the wall.

Might want to give the Swan Diva line from
a try. The Swan's Diva's have been compared VERY favorably to the B&W Nautalis series in both fit and finish. You could get 4 2.1s and a C3 for under $1k in the Black Cherry finish. If you like the Rosewood finish you could step up to that, or put your money in better mains. For $2400 you could have 2 pairs of 6.1s and a C3 including shipping.
你可以试试从WWW.theaudioinsider.com 购买天鹅DIVA系列,天鹅DIVA 系列不管从表现还是外观,都可以与B&W 鹦鹉螺系列一拼,你可以以不到1000美圆的价格买DIVA 2.1S 4只 和C3(黑樱桃木外观), 如果你喜欢玫瑰木色的,也可以选用,或者将你可以选择更好的主箱,2400美圆可以选择两对DIVA 6.1S和C3中置,还包括运费..








国产惠威是不错的,只要你喜欢去玩她,还是会时不时带给你惊喜的,当初配电脑时,配了一对M200.在档口地方小放不下,就把她叠在一起,能出声,没感觉? ,后来把她拿回家,放书房配了个DVD,听自己刻录的碟,感觉好了很多,声音分开了,但是还是没纵深,我又把





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